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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • It must be humiliating to see conservatives pushing a conservative agenda and have no response to it except “no you”.

    Have you even thought this through logically, or do you just bleat what you’re told to?

    If support having police search schools to ensure gender identity is suitably suppressed, you should be proudly taking credit for it as a conservative.

    If you don’t support it, conservatives have made it clear that this is their agenda and if you don’t support it, you’re no longer welcome among conservatives.

    So what’s it going to be? Are you going to openly support current Republican policies, pretend you do, pretend you don’t, switch to the party you’ve been trying to throw your shit at or just not vote?

    Is this really the corner you want to back yourself into for shit-tier jabs like “Must be a Democrat”?

  • I’ve listened to songs with suicidal lyrics, I’m not suicidal

    A song with “suicidal lyrics” is not even remotely comparable to the albums this site sells, which is why they don’t need a dedicated pro-suicide website to sell them on.

    Would you rush to defend an album put out by ISIS, that pushed the agenda of ISIS, with all profits going to ISIS?

    It’s getting exhausting seeing people become increasingly unhinged and justifying it because “well, they’re baddies.”

    Then maybe you should explain your exhaustion to the group responsible for their overwhelming majority of mass shootings, who openly celebrate the killing of black and LGBT+ people, rather than someone you’ve decided isn’t appropriately sad that neo-nazis got exposed for doing a thing they did.

  • You don’t need to be a fascist to make excuses for fascists, but it’s bizarre that you read my comment about all the apologists the decided “he just hasn’t heard my brilliant apologise yet”.

    You can drop the “it could happen to you” act because it almost certainly won’t. For this site and those albums, “I just didn’t have time to unpick what the lyric ‘until every kike is dead’ meant” isn’t even a remotely plausible excuse.

    Stop defending them.

  • The mothers may not even have been alive and medical staff simply can’t evacuate premature babies and all the ICU equipment needed to keep them alive.

    This story is absolutely going to be used as “look how inhuman and barbarous these Palestinians are, good thing we’re genociding them” and your comment is exactly what they’re looking for.

    But the reality is that if you shoot and bomb civilians, then threaten to bomb the hospital they’re being treated at, this could happen anywhere in the world.

    They weren’t leaving babies to die and rot 6 months ago because they weren’t being shelled and shot at and if they weren’t being shelled and shot at now, they wouldn’t have left those babies either.

  • Regardless, there is an important distinction.

    You can argue all you like that political systems like communism and socialism may have lead to things like corruption, famine, wars and genocide but ultimately, the people who support those systems are seeking a fairer way to run society for all people and believe in it despite its history.

    Head over to the far-right and the genocide is the point. They want “undesirables” to be killed, enslaved or completely repressed.

    • The alternative to current model of game launch + DLCs/features added over the year is that the game is not launched at all until ready and full featured.

    I haven’t seen significant numbers of people complaining that their drip feed of content isn’t coming fast enough. I’ve seen people complaining about spending a non-trivial amount of money on a visibly broken game that clearly had plenty of developer resources for microtransactions and loot boxes.

    Gamer audience is privileged, consumerist and impatient. And most of the audience is either autistic or neurodivergent with impulsive and/or compulsive disorders, and have unstable hyperfocus and obsession issues.

    Being a game developer had its moments but was still easily the worst job I’ve ever had, predominantly due to the community.

    That said, I still wouldn’t go diagnosing millions of people with some bullshit I just made up.

  • Hi! LiberalGunNut™ here!

    No problem, you all regurgitate the same propaganda anyway.

    How do you know America’s armed citizenry hasn’t kept us safe from state violence? Hardly a thing we can measure.

    You’re just accidentally admitting that the pro-gun community can’t prove it’s favourite talking point.

    But I’ll remind everyone, fascism isn’t coming, it’s here. Today. How much bolder would these people be if they knew every household was unarmed?

    Not at all, as demonstrated by most other countries. After all, nothing makes angry violent men bolder than a gun.

    FFS, the GOP frontrunner for the nomination to President of the United States just promised to root out “vermin” such as myself.

    Then either shoot him or fuck off.

    How threatened do you need to feel before you pick up a weapon, learn safety, learn to fight?

    “Learning safety” and “learning how to fight” are not requirements for buying a semi-automatic weapon in America.

    The pro-gun community opposes even basic competence checks, let alone the 6 months of military service they’d need to be provably effective in your fantasy war.

    But isn’t it just fascinating that nobody in the pro-gun community is learning how to fly drones, build a communication network, tend to peoples wounds in the field or anything else that would be useful in a war?

    The US Army better watch out or the morbidly obese militia will be waddling after them.

    I invite you to read about Ruby Ridge and Waco

    Damn, those things must be happening all the time in countries with gun control since guns are the only way to hold off authoritarians.

    Saw a video last year of Iranian Jihadis running and gunning down a residential apartment block after the mass protests.

    And do you openly advocate selling cheap, legal, semi-automatic weapons to those Jihadists?

    Read a man’s testimony from the Hamas attack on the music festival, “All I could think was how could I fight back. I felt so helpless.”

    Did he try selling Hamas even more guns? I’m sure that would have fixed it.

    I have a Colt 1911 .45 on my desk (or my nightstand) and a 12-gauge pump leaning against the bed.

    Congratulations on your poorly secured firearms, we’re all really impressed.

    To put a finer point on your question, had I been a bystander, would I have shot George Floyd’s executioner? Not at that time. But I might now.

    Oh well if you might have saved someone from state violence, I guess all the school shootings, life-or-death property crime and murdered partners are worth it.

    It’s expensive, it’s hard, it requires practice and more practice, but it’s on you if you choose “harmless”.

    You haven’t killed or intimidated a single fascist politician, corrupt cop or far-right terrorist, instead helping them every step of the way.

    But don’t worry, you’re not “harmless” as long as you keep harming children, minorities and abused partners by selling them to guns they use to kill them.

  • That’s not how greed works, nor how reddit works.

    The only time they’ll do something that reduces profits is when they’re confident it will mean more profits in the near future (and they can’t figure out a way to have both).

    That’s why they were happy to platform mask off neo-nazis, the dangerously stupid and communities dedicated to getting as close to child pornography as possible without technically breaking any laws and why they waited until the last possible moment to pull the plug on them.

  • Removing diversity quotas and addressing the wage gap (which you seem to oppose, but it’s probably because you’re just listing trigger words) doesn’t make for a meritocracy and it’s been shown over and over again.

    In controlled conditions, when someone is completely unable to know the gender, race or sexuality of the person they’re judging, minorities have the same merit and are judged much the same as anyone else.

    When you remove those conditions, suddenly, in a magical coincidence, straight white men just happen to think that other straight white men are the most qualified for the job.

    On top of that, people who heard the words “diversity quotas” and assumed they knew everything about them tend to assume they’re mandatory discrimination, then get upset.

    They’re not. Managers aren’t saying “well unfortunately, all these hirely qualified men aren’t eligible because the quota said, so we have to hire this black gay woman who turned up to the interview visibly drunk”.

    Any job tends to have a pool of candidates, any of whom are qualified. If you’ve genuinely been hiring on merit and have ended up with an all male team, that shouldn’t be difficult to demonstrate when scrutinised.