Insufferable FOSS/Linux nerds are ruining Lemmy.

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Or Windows just works on so much different hardware. You can build a PC with the weirdest mix and match of hardware, and Windows will just… work. Also I bought a Microsoft sidewinder wheel from 1998 from a thrift store for $8, plugged it into my Windows 10 PC, and it just worked. Nothing special was needed. 1998 hardware literally plug and play on Windows 10 (and I’ve tested it on 11, and it works the same).

    You can install MacOS on non-Apple hardware, but you need to buy very specific hardware, and download very specific hacks, to make it work.

    Even Linux only works on specific hardware. This entire thread has people talking about how broken Linux is on their setups. The suggestions are to buy specific hardware and run very specific versions of Linux.

  • Ubuntu is the best bet for a distro to just work well out of the box.

    Granted I have still had a fuck ton of issues, errors, etc, but Ubuntu is the only distro that has worked the best out of the box. Fedora was a broken mess, and Mint was in between.

    So if you want anyone to not give up on Linux, direct them towards Ubuntu first. You can always switch distros later, but spending 3 days trying to fix issues on a different distro isn’t fun.

  • Polar@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlParadox how could you
    8 months ago

    Do you have any idea how excited I was for the GTA trilogy remake? I’ve been waiting for so long. Only to be slapped in the face.

    The worst part is that I know rockstar will never attempt to remake them again. I’ll never get that San Andreas remaster.

  • Polar@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlthose ppl...
    9 months ago

    Creators can see how much they make from premium subscribers vs ad views. They do make more from people who pay for premium.

    Why do you say they don’t? Like I’m curious where you got that from, when it’s blatantly wrong?

  • Polar@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlthose ppl...
    9 months ago

    I agree that the pricing doesn’t make sense unless you can split it, which is what I do.

    Premium is $25 in Canada. You can add 5 people to your plan. That makes it $5 per month for each of us.

    Personally I don’t buy cable or satellite TV, so I get most of my enjoyment from YouTube. So to me $5 per month is nothing, especially if you have something like Spotify which you can cancel and use YouTube Music, which is included in that $5.

    If you have no friends and you’re the only one footing the bill, I agree that the pricing is a lot. At that point you just have to deal with the annoying ads.

    I hate ads as much as anyone, but my question still remains for anyone who demands on blocking all ads and refusing to pay for premium, how do you expect servers and creators to be paid?

    I know Google can technically afford it, but that’s not how businesses are run. You can’t take profits from one department to make up for the losses in another department, and as we know bandwidth is extremely expensive, and Google hosts an unbelievable amount of data, and free, too.

    Like I’ve mentioned in the past, I have a bunch of videos uploaded to YouTube to share with family, and they are all private. Therefore Google is paying to store my videos, while making $0 from them, as they are not public and making any ad revenue.

    I also know that Google is bad. Corporations suck. All that jazz. I just don’t understand why most of Lemmy users think everything should be free, but when asked about how these things are supposed to get funded, they go silent.

    Lemmy itself won’t be around long if users refuse to donate to their instance, and refuse to view ads. Even if someone is hosting an instance in their basement, the cost of internet, replacement drives, maintenance, and electricity all add up.

  • Polar@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlthose ppl...
    9 months ago

    Bro, it’s so fucking frustrating that I need to be subbed to 5 different Android communities just to get my news.

    I can’t sub to just one because I miss news if I do.

    My only hope is that Boost brings multi-reddit support to Lemmy, so I can just click on “Android” and get the news from all 5 Android communities.

  • Polar@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlthose ppl...
    9 months ago

    It’s also the toxic community.

    I was called a racist and holocaust denier because I asked someone how they expect YouTube servers to be paid for if you refuse to pay for premium, and don’t want to watch ads.

    My comments were downvoted like crazy, and the person who called me a racist holocaust denier was upvoted…

    Again, all because I asked a question about how servers should be paid for. What the actual fuck? Reddit is insanely toxic, but Lemmy takes the cake.

  • Polar@lemmy.catoSync for Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs LJ okay¿?
    9 months ago

    I wouldn’t say boring, I’d say frustrating. You cannot use Lemmy for any kind of tech support if you’re not using Linux or FOSS software.

    If you make a post asking for help with a software you need, someone will ignore you and tell you to use some garbage ass incomparable FOSS version. Use anything not Linux? Use Linux, idiot.

    You pay for YouTube premium because it’s $5 per month using the family plan, and you’re okay with paying a few bucks for entertainment? Go die from cancer. Actually, though, someone called me a racist and a Holocaust denier for saying I pay for YouTube premium since I split it between my family, and it’s pretty damn cheap. Their comments were heavily upvoted and mine were downvoted.

    Lemmy genuinely isn’t fun anymore. It’s so incredibly toxic.

    Oh ya, don’t forget the fuck cars community telling me it’s my fault my city doesn’t have great public transit? Like bro, I moved here a year ago. This city was built hundreds of years ago. How the fuck is that my fault?

  • Polar@lemmy.catoSync for Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs LJ okay¿?
    9 months ago

    I never said you made death threats. You responded to my comment, “joking” that the developer grabbed his money and bailed. Your original comment to my comment perfectly encapsulates how FOSS users treat him. You accused him of running away after getting money.

    Even if he bailed, it wasn’t for the small flow of cash. It was because of how the FOSS users were treating him. You are welcome to go look at all of the previous Sync posts back when Sync launched, seeing the thousands of comments bashing him for putting ads in the app, and calling him very mean things.

    I also never said Lemmy is dead. I said people like you are going to ruin Lemmy. Learn to read.

  • Polar@lemmy.catoSync for Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs LJ okay¿?
    9 months ago

    Or, “I wish I wasn’t getting death threats, posts about me attacking my character, all because I released a really good app but included ads so I could get paid for it”.

    So again, for the millionth time, Lemmy nerds expect everything to be free and without ads. That’s not how life works, and you throw a hissy fit like a child.

    You’re going to ruin Lemmy. Enjoy it.