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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023

  • I am agreeing with you. I use TS or discord for years for ttrogs, but always had the problem, that my high voice is cut of by the programms. It’s frustrating to figure out how to change that and finding a solution that sounds nice.

    As always: if men would have these problems, it would be fixed in a short time.

    I was always ashamed of my voice and thought i could not create potcasts, Videos or everything else voice based. I thought noone would like my voice. One day a stranger came up to me and told me i sound like daisy duck, while talking to a friend… 😒

  • Thank you 🥰

    When it comes to japanese food, Düsseldorf is really great. Cause i studied there i know some good Restaurants and supermarkets 😆 but i take recomondations all around nrw.

    i really want to taste spicy indian food or try other asian food, that is not so common here 🤔

    My best friend visited south korea a few years ago. She never liked spicy food, but said it was so good there, she now likes this stuff.

  • Phoebe@feddit.detoADHD memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comRelatable
    11 months ago

    Mindwandering while conversation/ sex was always annoying to me. I never understood why i am doing this and how to turn it off, cause “everyone else seems to get it right” and they made me feel bad for it.

    It is importaint to talk about these stuff and reach out to people, who feel the same way.

  • I try, i don’t have a heater yet T_T

    I really like it! I mean, it’s still in early access, much of the content is still in pogress. Bugfixes come regular and the discord server is helpfull.

    It does every farming stuff and it’s neat. The diving and cleaning the ocean stuff is nice. Pretty relaxing. I really like the Characterdesign and artwork. The Characters are diverse and the variety of bachelor/ettes is huge.

    I am waiting for the marriage Update!

  • Hej, there

    I can understand your frustration. Right now it feels that we small people can’t do anything to do good in the world. There are greedy capitalist everywhere. It is nearly impossible to understand what damage ones desicion could make. If our desicions even could make a difference.

    But the thing is, you can’t overlook everything. It’s a gouverments job to keep an eye over Corporations.

    But that doesn’t mean, that you can’t do anything. You can search for Informations and make yourself aware of those topics. You can support workers and strikes. You could limit yourself on what stuff you are comsuming.

    You don’t have to boycott every major company and every Product. You just could make a list about everything you really need and what you are really looking forward to. So you can balance your need for morality and fun.

    You will find a way that’s suits you. Don’t worry

  • I agree with you 😊

    Even tho i studied history, it took long to find topics like disability history, gender studies, science studies and… everything PoC are doing. Established Professionals downplayed all of these as not relevant. Not scientific enough. As a young professionell, you don’t want to ruin your reputation, so you don’t engage with that.

    In my country you are told, not to drift away from society. Not to built up your own ‘reality’, cause you read… a feministic book.

    These gashlight tactics had keep me from enganging with topics and communitys, which are interessting for me. I did not want to be outcasted. But now i feel more confidend.

    I want to dive into the neurodiverse community, cause it is such a new perspective in dealing with ones own life. Much more empowering! Much more brave. Learning to live with stuff like high sensitivity, instead of forcing myself to overcome it. It’s changing how i fre myself.

    And yeah: how people talk to each all over the world has changed. To devide us is an easy way to controll us. 10 years ago you couldn’t say that out loud (ya soundes paranoid) but since the facebook papers it has become more much more clearer. It’s a tool to undermine democraty. And a lot of people are stepping in that trap.

  • What a beatiful, beatiful coincidence! Hello, fellow ace! 😊

    You are damn right! We need more diversity, more voices like ours. To shape the psychology-landscape and to help people find acceptance/validation. Most of all, we need to talk. Openly, kindly, caring.

    In my country, every group of people is gossip about each other. Stereotypes, prejudice… it was always frustrating dealing with that. Not other people are destroing our way of life, but we are. With the hate we uphold.

    The rising right wing movement is pretty scary. I am worried about the future of my country, the Internet itself. But the queer community will always find a way.

  • Phoebe@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    I want to strech out, what “Heilpraktiker” are. Not for you but cause i want to express how much i dislike them.

    The Training programm doesn’t have much regulation. It’s just an exam and some courses to take. During this time you are told to “become creative” with the diagnosis. Only then you can see the biger picture.

    Right now they are in the spotlight cause if “false memory” tactics. They tell new trainees, that they had expierence child abused (when they have not) and by that making them question their own reality. They made them leave their family, isolate them and make them depent to them.

    And germans are like “but they seem more nicer than actual doctors so they have a Daseinsberechtigung” *screams into void"

  • This is so true.

    I had 2 therapies in my life but it never felt that helpfull. Yes, to give me a kind of stability and helped me to not felt into the dark. But i always felt under presure, when it comes to my asexuality (it’s just ‘trauma’). Or when i didn’t want to participate in ttrpg anymore cause the german geek community is sexist as fuq.

    I always felt that i would go crazy and that my fears are not real. That hurted so much and had delayed my “healing” unnecessary. Only when i found a partner to speak openly and when i connected to people dealing with the same stuff, i realized, that i wasn’t alone.

    I learned about adhd in women and how east germany had abused psychiatry (cause my stepdad was a refugee from there)… i’ve always believed in psychology, but right now my “believe” is shattered. How can people think, they know more than their patients? Know better how to treat them?

    I am glad there are people seeing the same issues. That there is a name to it. It makes me feel more empowered. Thank you.

  • Yes i know. My gouverment doesn’t feel responsibility for a group called ‘Heilpraktiker’, who tell you that stones can heal depression and that cancer is manifestated hearth break…

    I just learned about all of that a few month ago and still feeling… shocked

  • Thanks 😊

    Mostly you are right, of course it depence on the country. a lot of institutes are tax funded, but the cost can’t be covered just with that. Rent, wages, special rooms for the heritage… the new competitor is everything digital: a homepage, a database, social media. Museums need all of that to stay relevant. but the budget stays the same.

    (And of course we depent on open data, to reduce thr dependence on big tech companies)

    The war has shown how fragile this is. Cost of electricity had boomt, but there is no room to reduce it. Paintings, glas, it all needs their own temperature. But explain that to someone who is just Management. We scientist/ academics have a weak basis for negotiation, when the administration wants to save money. In my country cultural heritage is clearly not a priority, that leads to institutes having no money and losing relevance. Which is dangerous for the variety of knowledge.

    Thanks for giving me the space to shortly explain this. I think we all need to work together to make the web, the heritage accessible! 😤

  • I work with cultural heritage and have the strong believe, that information should be open and easy accessible. Citizen have a right to access to knowledge and to educate themselves unter their circumstanses. But of course the Infrastructur cost money and this should always be a discurse between all parties. And not been dictated by major companies.

    It is a really hard fight for museums, archives and libaries lately. What do you do when your electricity bill jumps up to 5 million during the war in the ukrain?

    We need to unite and search for ways to keep the Internet accessible.

  • Phoebe@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlwho is this?
    11 months ago

    That’s okay. Yeah good internet conversation x)

    And yeah, growing older and growing apart is a part of what happen in my case. Priorities change over life. But it’s hard to find new friends for new parts of life.

    foreigners come to out country, are happy and highly motivated, but are leaving a few years later depressed and isolated. Cause they don’t find people to make friends with. Cause we are so closed of (i mention it cause i read an article about that. And i really do understand them)

  • Phoebe@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlwho is this?
    11 months ago

    I am not taking it offencive. But how did you read that into it? That my SO doesn’t want me to have friends? That’s not nice for a stranger to assume and to analyse.

    My best friend and i are working 10 Minutes apart. But she doesn’t have time to even go out and eat. So we hang out on discord every few weeks. I don’t like that very much, but since corona friendships just are this way. My country doesn’t value friendship that much so we don’t put in the work. And That’s pretty sad, but cause everyone is doing that it’s hatd to break that circle.