RIP We hardly knew ye.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024

  • First off, that’s actually the coolest name for a bird that I’ve ever heard.

    Second, I don’t think the birds would be bothered if they found out. They have no conception of what either Satan or a jar is. I’ll give credit that they can differentiate day from night. The rest would just be nonsense to them.

  • I largely agree with this. That’s different than saying that the two parties as they currently exist are mirror images of one another though.

    As far as the content of your post, that’s where the need for extended strategy comes in. Until enough progressives/leftists work their way into the structure of the Democratic party on a state and federal level what you’re describing is unlikely to change. Bemoan the two party duopoly as much as you like, but it’s a reality. The way to change it is to infiltrate it and fundamentally alter the mechanisms that perpetuate it. It’s not going to work to just hope for one progressive/leftist at the top of the ticket, and complaining that the person at the top isn’t progressive/leftist enough can frankly be met with, “well, yeah, not much of a surprise there.” The Tea Party is the template. They completely turned their party to shit (well, more so anyway), but successfully infiltrated the party apparatus to reflect their political preferences. If the left does something similar we can actually make 3rd parties viable and no longer be beholden to the Democratic party, but that’s most probably a decade+ long project if we’re being honest about it. It’s unfortunate that the left is as fractious as it is; it only makes something like this more difficult.