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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2024


  • Indirectly, it’s a strong indictment of Trump’s mental health. A politician’s strongest weapon (and a conman’s, which he also is) is their image, and Trump knows it. If he’s letting himself go to the extent that his odor deserves note, then you can be assured that he’s let go of everything else that he considers less important than his image (i.e. everything else that exists) at least as much as he’s let go of his hygiene, probably more.

    The Donald J. Trump that debated Biden was a bad choice for a set of reasons that did not include becoming incapable of caring for the most important thing in his life. The current DJT has added that reason to the list.

  • LOL a productive member of society? Dude, unlike you I actually have a job in an industry that actively improves quality of life for people. While you live on dividends from marketing or subletting or whatever the fuck workless income source allows you to be a communist, I bust my ass in the recycling industry. I’m saving the planet while you jerk iff to AI porn of Furry Stalin LOL

  • Bro, seriously. I oersonally know Venezuelans with a higher education - one lawyer and one engineer - who emigrated to Peru to work as a maid and as a bartender so that they could send money back to their families. GDP means nothing if the people don’t get to share in the wealth. In Venezuela, only the top government and army officials live above the poverty line. This isn’t your stupid little Marxist theory written by people who never actually read Marx. This is real people starving and being miserable because of Communism. How can you not understand that? Or maybe yku do and yku just don’t care. Fuck everyone else as long as you can play the part of revolutionary hero in your head, right?

  • You’re so mad it’s legitimately entertaining. Please continue to spout your half-digested and quarter-understood propaganda for my amusement. Just make sure not to mention a certain event that happened at ancertain square or you’ll be blacklisted from ever entering the glorious Communist utopia of China where everyone’s a millionaire who is free to have as many babies as they want and to freely express their opinions without fear of reprisal.