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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • But isn’t this the entire point? You like to call yourself that, and that is perfectly fine, but ultimately all of these words come from psychiatric diagnosis, from the DSM. That is where the labels were defined, that is where our cultural understanding of the neurotype comes from.

    Our culture has defined that you are disordered because of your way of being, you’ve been diagnosed as such. Another culture, a former culture will not have defined it that way. So you calling it a disorder is not based on anything absolute, it is based in a cultural understanding.

    I was diagnosed with autism level 1, not aspergers, because: 1 - We now understand that describing people based on ‘functioning’ is extremely damaging to the individual; and 2 - Asperger tested on children for the Nazis, and I think we can all agree that’s not cool.

    All of this is cultural, we didn’t know about the damage of functioning labeling at the time that diagnosis was accepted (or the whole Nazi thing), and so our cultural understanding of the condition has changed.

    Understandings of disorder are cultural, not absolute.

  • Did you complete any forms before the assessment? I had to complete a few forms before assessment which asked me questions based on the diagnostic criteria which then went towards the psychiatrist’s final evaluation. Assessment styles seem to vary wildly between services and counties, though.

    To answer your question more directly, though, yes, I thought of loads of things I forgot to mention in assessment afterwards. But then I was given my diagnosis at the end of the assessment so it sounds like your psychiatrist deals with things differently, at least in that example.

    If I can give you some advice, I’d suggest you put it out of your mind for now until you get the result and if you do not agree with the result, appeal with the extra information (if you can). It would be a good idea to start a log of supporting information when you remember it, as well. Keep it somewhere handy, like a small notebook you keep on your pocket or a notes app on your phone. I think that’s good advice for everyone going into an assessment.

  • The idea that underprivileged groups create echo chambers is laughable when you think of the number of explicity conservative social media platforms.

    As I said to someone below, my guess is that you are not part of an oppressed group? It is very easy for those used to privilege to criticise those from less privileged groups for wanting their own spaces because they have not experienced what it is like to be othered.

    The point is to be free from the oppression that they experience often on a daily basis, not to keep their ideas unchallenged.

  • My guess is that you are not part of an oppressed group? It is very easy for those used to privilege to criticise those from less privileged groups for wanting their own spaces because they have not experienced what it is like to be othered.

    The point is to be free from the oppression that they experience often on a daily basis, not to keep their ideas unchallenged.