Link anyone?
Link anyone?
Nature abhors a vaccuum
Thanks! Couldn’t find a date in the article
Blurb says they used teeth… I’m guessing this is based on DNA extractions?
Read my mind - thanks!
That’s not at all how PTSD works. Bad things happen to people all the time and they don’t develop PTSD. It’s insulting to people who really deal with it.
No, you can have PTSD and be president.
This sounds like you don’t have an understanding of how PTSD works.
PTSD is not “something bad happened and now I have feelings”. It does not automatically happen after a major event. It’s a lot more complicated, and y’all are not psychiatrists. It’s insulting to throw the word around and use it for politics.
Reminds me of people saying “omg 'm so OCD!” Because they like a clean house. That’s not what OCD is, and getting shot is not what PTSD is.
This is insulting to people who really suffer with PTSD, and shows an ignorance of our modern understanding of trauma.
He’s gay and closeted, looking for a friend, and it’s easier to talk to a girl than directly to you.
He has feelings for your girlfriend. This is not an issue, as long as you trust your girlfriend. Feel flattered that your girlfriend is so awesome.
Okay, so conservative and revisionist, but not imperialist. Maybe imperial-adjacent. Thanks for the deets.
Ah, so he protected them from being prosecuted or something?
My understanding is the murder’s family was ruined by donating to the church. The murderer wrote.that.he planned to kill the church leader,.but changed.his mine cause Abe was more famous and would get more attention. I don’t think there is evidence that the murderers motivations were political, but I could be wrong. Happen to have a source?
I don’t know what this means.
I wouldn’t call him imperialist either. I think he was a pretty decent leader for Japan. He wasn’t murdered for his politics, but because of his religious affiliation.
Why was he imperialist?
Homo = person/man
Sapiens = wise
What’s this bullshit about?
Get off twitter tho…