Right, so we both agree someone who says “I’m not a man or a woman, I’m a cat” is nonbinary. So why force queer people to live in reality when they say it hurts them? Sadism?
Right, so we both agree someone who says “I’m not a man or a woman, I’m a cat” is nonbinary. So why force queer people to live in reality when they say it hurts them? Sadism?
Otherkin showed up 100,000 years ago when modern homo sapiens developed. I seriously doubt you can isolate a single decade of queer acceptance so long ago.
You’re just engaging in the time honoured trope of calling something new because you, personally, didn’t know about it when you were young, and now you think learning about new kinds of people is scary. People said it about gay. They said it about bi. They said it about trans.
Okay, I’ll tell you what I assumed when you said that.
You think all catgender people are the gender they were assigned at birth. Male to cat? That’s a man. Female to cat? That’s a woman.
This is a logical deduction. You said catgender people aren’t queer. That means they can’t be trans, and can’t be nonbinary. This is the consequence of you saying that.
And I am begging you to take it back and allow catgender people to identify as nonbinary.
But the helicopter pasta was written by a transphobe. The litter boxes never existed. Conservatives just made that shit up. It doesn’t matter if real people have those identities, transphobes are going to attack you anyway.
Do you think you can appease the fascists by excluding the people the fascists hate more than you?
Okay, so if someone says their gender is cat, you’re saying they’re not queer. Fine, which non queer identity do they have? For argument’s sake, let’s say they prefer cat/cats pronouns and object to being he/himed or she/hered. How are they not queer? Make a specific claim please.
Mmmmm, nah. They’re not hurting you, but you’re hurting them. Just ignore them.
Trans people are being genocided. They deserve a safe space to be themselves. You don’t need to bring that Republican nonsense into their communities. Now isn’t the time to be transphobic.
I thought the people saying neopronouns are trolling, when it was already against the rules, started the drama.
Back in the day, Dragon Rider actually got banned from YPTB for starting too much drama, as db0 put it.
Didn’t seem to work.
Well I think people are bad at reading.
Southsamurai is right, you do seem to just be starting fights for no reason. How is someone being a dragon or anything else supposed to hurt you? What’s your motivation? What’s your goal? Why?
So why force queer people to live in it when they say it hurts them? Sadism?
Thank you for this. It’s nice to see that Blahaj is defending all gender identities and not just pronouns.
but refusing to agree that dragon is a gender is not and has never been “transphobia” or in any way anti-queer.
Well I think queer people can have any gender they want, and you just have to deal with it because it’s none of your business.
Reality is overrated. Belief is perception.
If I were a Blahaj user, I’d be posting about defederation from db0. The transphobia needs to end.
Yeah db0 has a transphobia problem. I remember seeing an admin say neopronouns are trolling.
Doesn’t one of the db0 mod team literally think xenogenders are trolling? He’s probably just going to override you and say those posts are allowed.
I said I don’t want to argue with you. Quit trying to sealion me into an argument.
You’re a very valid bird and I’m proud of you for having the courage to come out.