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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I think there’s a problem with people wanting a fully developed brand new technology right out the gate. The cell phones of today didn’t happen overnight, it started with a technology that had limitations and people innovated.

    AI is a technology that has limitations, people will innovate it. Hopefully.

    I think my favorite potential use case for AI is academics. There are countless numbers of journal articles that get published by students, grad students and professors, and the vast majority of those articles don’t make an impact. Very few people read them, and they get forgotten. Vast amounts of data, hypotheses and results that might be relevant to someone trying to do something good, important or novel but they will never be discovered by them. AI can help with this.

    Of course there’s going to be problems that come up. Change isn’t good for everyone involved, but we have to hope that there is a net good at the end. I’m sure whoever was invested in the telegram was pretty choked when the phone showed up, and whoever was invested in the carrier pigeon was upset when the telegram showed up. People will adapt, and society will benefit. To think otherwise is the cynical take on the same subject. The glass is both half full and half empty. You get to choose your perspective on it.

  • Ibuprofen + acetaminophen at the same time.

    Alternate ice and heat in 15 min intervals. You can get an electric heating pad they work well. Lay on the floor to do it.

    Get a firm mattress. If that’s out of your immediate price range, sleep on a folded blanket or a mat on the floor. Your shoulders might get cranky, but it will be relief on your back.


    Bend at the knees for everything.

    Light stretching, nothing that puts an unsupported load on your lower back.

    Ab exercises. Planking is your friend.

  • Oatmeal. Not exactly date night, but it’s hot and healthy.
    Get large flake oats, not the instant stuff.
    Boil 1 cup of water in a small pot.
    Decrease heat to mid-low.
    Add 1/2 cup oats. Stir only once.
    Cook for 10 minutes,
    let cool for 10 minutes,
    eat for 10 minutes.

    You’ll want to watch it closely for a minute or two after you add the oats to make sure it doesn’t boil over. If it looks like its going to boil over just remove the pot from the heat till it calms down, and decrease the heat a little maybe, every oven is diff. It still needs to simmer though.

    You can season it with whatever you want after cooking it: maple syrup, milk, oat milk, brown sugar, chocolate chips, raisins or other dried fruits (if you do raisins add them to the water before the oatmeal), cinammon, apples… etc.
    Maybe a small pinch of salt.