Yes, please!
Reddit refusnik.
Yes, please!
All superstition leads to fear and hate. We are on earth a short time. Why spend time, money and energy worshipping a fake god. The opportunity cost is immense.
Wouldnt it a take a month to download a Linux ISO over i2p?
Thars why i order groceries online. Let them find their own damn food.
It’ll be the most comfy prison ever, sadly.
She’s going for the big money payoff while she can. A lucrative position with mining interests awaits.
I’m genX. I just got off the monthly GenX Skype call. Mostly we bitched again about boomers spreading aids everywhere just as we were flowering. Anyway, I mentioned this post, they told me to tell you that we DGAF what GenZ thinks, so long as you pay your rent.
I’ve killed 5 nests in last 30 days. The can be so aggressive.
Quick! Everyone go open 2 more accounts! We can fix this!
Sure is. There is now Flask Gopher for building gopher sites in Python.
I host one of the worlds last gopher sites. And some Telegram bots, on Raspberry Pi’s.
Came for the recipes. Stayed for the wrestling match (pops another handful of vegan buttered popcorn into mouth).