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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMACHETE
    9 months ago

    I thought it was Steven Seagal.

    I only know 2 things about Steven Seagal.

    1. Steven Seagal is a Russian shill.

    2. One time Gene LeBell choked Steven out so hard, that Steven Seagal shit his pants.

    Those are the only 2 things I know, and need to know about Steven Seagal.

  • Yeah, the jails and prisons here (in Alabama) are notoriously dangerous and all around awful. When I got arrested I was taken to a jail cell in Birmingham. I was put in a tiny cell with 8 other guys. There was no AC it was August and Alabama summers are brutal. It was at least 90 in there. Plus there was a toilet full of feces and urine that wouldn’t flush.

    After about 6 hours of that a cop took me and one other guy to county. I think that’s because our charges were potentially felonies. I say potentially because mine was a felony but I did a drug program that made it not a felony.

    So they strip searched us and put us in a holding cell. By this point I hadn’t had a fix in about 24 hours. I was sweating bullets. I was puking bile. I could barely talk.

    After, that they took us to our cells. When I got to mine the guys pretty much instantly gave me a bunk and said that they’d leave me alone as much as they could. It just so happened that even though we didn’t know each other we had grown up in the same town outside Birmingham.

    I assume I was there for about 24 hours. They served me 3 meals and I gave away 3 meals. They came and got me told me to sign my own bond. Then at 2 am kicked me and like 15 other guys out on the street.

    I walked like 5 miles to get to the place I was staying at the time. Still sick and puking the whole way. It was unpleasant to say the least.

    I’m clean now. I even got off the methadone. I am stone cold sober, and it fucking sucks. Alcohol makes me feel like shit. Weed makes me paranoid. Don’t even get me started on uppers. I fucking hate uppers. I tried micro dosing mushrooms. That is awesome, but it gives me migraines sometimes. Oh well, c’est la vie.

  • Well, I have been strip searched twice. The first time was at the Jefferson county jail in Birmingham, Al. They take you around the side of this wall where a deputy sheriff (they use deputies instead of corrections officers) stood there with a trustee and another dude that got brought in same time as me, but unrelated to me. We had to get naked, spread our cheeks, and squat and cough, lift our junk, etc. We were given some orange scrubs and long ass flip flops. Then the deputy took our clothes while we were getting our jail clothes on, and the trustee asked us if when we got out he could have our cigs. That time I was so dope sick that the other dudes in the jail took pity on me , and gave me a spot to be alone, and because I couldn’t eat and kept puking they let me sign my own bond. Plus it was a possession charge. I got caught with a gram of heroin.

    The second time. The only ride I could find to get to court for the above charge was one of my old dope friends. We got pulled over and she had needles in the car. They gave me one just because I was with her.

    Anyway, that time a cop took me into an office and shut the door. He had me strip down to my boxers, and because of how my last experience was I started taking my boxers off. He was like woah stop. He said “just stretch out the waistband all the way around. So, I did and he let me go.

    Edit: when I got my clothes back it was same deal. They had all of us that were leaving in a holding cell together. Then, about 20 mins before letting us go. They brought us out lined us up and had us strip and get redressed.

  • It doesn’t matter what I think the borders should be. I have no sway over that. Not only do I not have a dog in this fight. I don’t find it entertaining to debate it. I have read a nauseating amount of material about this subject. I have watched enough videos on this subject to be considered torture, and in the end. I can’t help but feel like both of these assholes are made for each other.

    But like I said. My feelings mean absolutely nothing. Because I am just a random weirdo on the internet, just like you. Just like you, I don’t have the money or influence to bring peace to the Middle East. Just like you, I did what I felt was enough research and then made a decision. Just like you this conversation isn’t going to sway me. But more importantly. Just like you my feelings on the subject won’t change anything. Innocent people are going to die regardless of what we say. It’s a tragedy, but it’s true.

    So, I guess what I’m saying is… Maybe we should agree to disagree.

  • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlAll lives rule
    10 months ago

    I typed out a like 6 paragraph explanation of why it’s both of their faults that this is happening. Suffice to say that this is just the latest iteration of a fight that’s been going on for a very VERY long time. At times the Palestinians were in control and horrible, and now the Jews are returning the favor. These two assholes have done nothing but make it worse every time they got a chance to make it better.

    That’s why I literally don’t care what happens to either. They are both horrible and I’m a poor person on the other side of the world. Even IF I cared. I lack the money and resources to do anything about it, and debating with people on the internet about things that we can’t change and don’t fully understand is a modern day Sisyphean task.

    Edit: wait are we talking US politics? In that case both sides do suck. But one is trying to kill trans and gay people and I can’t support that. So, Biden it is.

  • I did try Linux. I even took a college course and learned enough to pass. But I have a super shitty memory and it was redhat back in the late 90s so ALL THOSE COMMANDS. Jumping Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. I mean Linux had a gui but it was useless. So, instead I’m bashing away at my head with the little animal books, and for what? You couldn’t play games on it. Basically Linux was soooo painfully unenjoyable last time I used it I haven’t touched it since.