Mmmm… there’s nothing quite like warm, pumpkin pie
Mmmm… there’s nothing quite like warm, pumpkin pie
Their mom definitely got it… Slam! with the alley-oop!
I got the “Robert Sponge Rectangle Slacks” version from Spirit Halloween… but it doesn’t hold water when pissing myself :(
First I’ve heard of this. “Better to keep your mouth shut and seem stupid — rather than open it and remove all doubt”. Elon really is a massive dipshit
I uhh… I do sometimes wear gloves when cooking at home. Mainly for handling raw meat (especially mixing ground beef and such; helps keep it from getting underneath my nails). I’m still washing my hands after taking the gloves off, but they’re much easier to wash when they’re not coated in fat and raw meat juices
He has a doctorate in art, I believe
We call that “snake jazz”, but it is widely known that many creatures (other than snakes) also practice that particular style of jazz
Their head is, at least. The clawed feet can get rather… “scratchy” though