Maybe it’s worth living in another place of the globe.
Communist agnostic fundamentalist neo-protestant, stoner simp-pimp searching for the perfect sugar girls, first world’s mind-reader deactivated political objective, MK-Ultra/Stargate meatpuppet. 31M.
Maybe it’s worth living in another place of the globe.
Do you have any link to a tutorial or something?
What about if it’s an unfederated instance?
Do you know if that’s possible?
No one get shot to death for nothing.
Someone still believe what mainstream media say?
Wait. There was not Reps concerned about unborn rights
Now they want them to born but not to be citizens? Cheap labour force
The ones who rule America is the CIA bud, it doesn’t matter who is the president(it could be a fucking dumb cow anyway), with the actual technology who have the CIA developed it doesn’t give a fuck.
Both parties work for the same owners(wanting or not) so i truly don’t give a fuck about about a Trump-Biden rematch.
Both fundamentalists are crazy bastards but the ones with power and money are more dangerous.
The worst thing it’s they are being funded by the conservative elite nations to speak fascist hate all over the internet.
Fucking christian fundamentalists fascists. They are a fucking cancer in every social media platform.
When corporations get inprisoned for commiting crimes maybe then i would think let them voting could be good.
Isn’t faith and freedom a contradiction?
0.0.33 instantly crashed after i open the app.
Poco X3 NFC
Fascists are taking all over Finland and NATO nations.
Guess what’s the political orientation of the FBI then… 🤣🤣
I’m pretty convinced economic inequality it’s made by a few people with a lot of money who don’t want anyone else to have more money.
I feel like the system it’s made for the poor to keep being poor all their lifetime.