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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • I want to turn a Microsoft surface go 2 into a kali linux machine. I would appreciate any guidance pulling this off. I want use it for learning it security stuff, partly for work but mostly for curiosity. Occasionally I run across malware, trojans, and I want to look under the hood to see how they work. I’m assuming Kali is the best tool for the job and that Lemmy is the place to go for tooling around with tools.

  • I had to look it up, here’s what I found (please correct me if I got it wrong):

    To change the user agent in Firefox, you can use the built-in Developer Tools. Here’s how you can do it:

    1. Open Firefox.
    2. Press Ctrl + Shift + I on Windows or Cmd + Option + I on macOS to open the Developer Tools.
    3. Click on the “Network” tab.
    4. Look for a small icon that looks like a mobile phone and a tablet together, usually located at the top-right of the Network tab. This is the “Responsive Design Mode” button. Click on it.
    5. Once in Responsive Design Mode, you’ll see a dropdown menu at the top of the screen where you can select different user agents (like various mobile devices, different browsers, etc.).

    Remember, changing the user agent can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior on websites, as it tells the website that you’re using a different browser or device than you actually are. This is usually used for testing and development purposes.

    Edit: a word

  • Great point. I don’t understand what happened yet for all of this to implode so quickly, but something this important is due to hit every emotional fault we have as humans. I think this showed how weak the board was for something like this to happen so quickly. A governing board is supposed to slow down rash decisions, not generate them. Either something drastic happened, or someone acted rashly. This should be a deliberate and rational endeavor. The people building AGI should never be surprised by the decisions being made, if not for the benefit of humanity, at least for the billions of dollars on the line. WTF OpenAI, get your shit together.

  • It’s like GMO crops. Currently we have not figured out better methods to feed the planet at scale. If anyone knows how to get the billions of dollars needed to build, run, maintain, and constantly improve such a massive super computer for the world to use, today, by all means let us know. To be clear, I agree with you, but a project this big, without something like international funding (LHC or CERN or ISS) its just not going to happen. As far as I know, for profit is currently the most effective way to funnel resources into a project.

  • These are the ones I’ve tried personally.

    -Brotato It’s like vampire survivor, but potato

    -Subnautica The underwater visuals are perfect for baked brains

    -Destiny 2 Go solo and just visit the different worlds, don’t worry about quests or missions just enjoy the scenery and shoot things, occasionally. Without knowing what’s going on there are a lot of neat secrets places to stumble into and some of the scenery is awe inspiring.

    -Disco Elysium If you can read and toke, it takes you places

    -Dorf Romantik Someone already mentioned this but it’s worth it. Like a puzzle, but there are no wrong pieces

    -Eufloria Not complicated, very chill. I don’t know how to describe what it is…leaf seeds fighting each other?

    -Lego Pick a franchise and there’s a Lego game. Doesn’t require much brain power and you always feel like your winning.

    -Red Dead Redemption 2 It’s like going for a walk in the wilderness from the couch

    -Superliminal It’ll bend your brain and is totally worth completing in one sitting. If you can’t figure out what to do just look it up. The end is worth being high for. Kind of like Stanley Parable, but with ‘perspective’.

    -Stanley Parable Definitely try this one.

    Peggle and Tetris effect are also really great suggestions. Tetris Effect has a really great reactive soundtrack.

    Ones I haven’t tried but think would work

    -High on life

    -Powerwash simulator