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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2023

  • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzPie
    54 minutes ago

    There few things more painful than seeing your boss struggle through something you know intimately, but because of ego and hierarchy you can’t hand-hold them in front of everyone. Until they finally stumble through and declare proudly “Hah, that was easy!”

    …It was a hidden column Jeremy, not someone else’s VBA code without comments you have to repair.

  • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzgimmie
    3 months ago

    Though I managed in chemistry, I understand that kcal is just an expression of energy and the reaction’s event total time is important in judging ‘violence’ of reaction - but for the uninitiated like myself, how do I quantify “433 kcal” compared to a more mundane reaction?

  • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyz*So far*
    3 months ago

    You can do that rolling trick for the dribble with standard flatware, you do have to spin faster though to get it to work well.

    The same idea applies to things you’re pouring out of; twist axially while tipping the container upright and you’ll have dramatically less spillage, even with viscous fluids like honey.

  • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlMaterialism
    4 months ago

    By rejecting materialism and embracing anti-materialism you are freed from the shackles of the physical constructs around us, able to shape and bend your environment- even from a long distance.

    The individual practice is relatively new, starting in the mid 1910s but it blossomed and has ardent support in multiple nations with different styles expressed. Russians lean towards simplicity and utilitarianism, the American practice trends avant-garde, while the Chinese largely iterate on existing foundations.

    Until we achieve a revolutionary advancement in science, anti-materialism is here to stay, and not just because of knee-jerk Luddite sentiment, but because of the unique effects it has on our world and others.

  • While it may have begun that way (and may still be the overwhelming use case, idk the breakdown) devs are using it for FOSS releases, and that’s where the ‘less literate’ crowd enters. Sourceforge was very simple to use, and had a consistent layout. GitHub wasn’t meat to be a SF replacement, but here we are having this discussion

  • Think globally, act locally

    I don’t think you’re evil, but this attitude is part of the problem that enables terrible people to get away with horrific acts. “Why didn’t the Germans stop the holocaust?” can be explained a lot of ways, but complicity and silence feature throughout the answers, along with the ghouls who encouraged it

    For a while I did exactly as you are doing. I was super involved in tracking and witnessing police abuses and misconduct, watching the drip-drip-drip while the country sat idle - and you’re right, it’s super depressing to see an obvious issue and be unable to change it. I did step away for a while when it got overwhelming, but me ignoring a problem, simply permits those abuses to continue without criticism or exposure.

    I have the social, geographic and ethnic privilege to not be routinely affected negatively by the issues in the world, but I refuse to turn that to mute complicity

  • So you instead choose silent complicity with injustice and evil? I can’t change geopolitics sure, but at the very least you can bear witness and raise your voice to make others aware. And then somebody else who sees that issue, might have the power to change something.

    If we all said “Damn that sucks for George Floyd, but police unions and politicians are big and scawy institutions- let’s do absolutely fucking nothing and go on with our lives” that is moral bankruptcy.

    Stop digging and admit you don’t care about others dude, there’s no good way out of this hole you built

  • It’s not a solution tho. Shipping containers are designed to hold freight not people.

    • The walls are thin steel bakes/freezes with temperature, adding insulation just takes away more of the already thin container width
    • Flat roof means rain, leaves, snow, etc just piles up and creates rust
    • Shipping containers are valuable for transport - the real reason you see these and the tiny houses on wheels is because they conveniently ignore land needs for the house to actually sit on

  • “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.“ Matthew 6:5, NIV

    Now, I don’t make a habit of quoting holy books, but it certainly can have some absolute zingers if you know even A LITTLE of its content and can spot hypocrisy.