Owner and writer of CovertWiki.org. It’s basically a wannabe spy handbook in wiki format. Feel free to leave a bookmark until more content is released, or message me on Discord under the same username to become a contributor.

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2024


  • I’ve been studying the propaganda of Tim Pool for years and years. The content focus shift from the alarmist “we’re all progressives, but these progressives have taken it too far and we need to reel it in” to “Democrats are all evil incarnate and we need to vote Republican to save the world” was a deliberate and calculated long-term conversion campaign beyond what I’d expect someone with Tim Pool’s resources should have been able to strategize and execute.

    It won’t surprise me if the DOJ decides to push charges for unregistered foreign agents, but it could also backfire with such high profile figures by playing into censorship rhetoric. Election season would be the worst time for it, if at all.

  • The issue starts at the fact that it’s difficult to find a computer sold by a common major distributor with Linux already installed, nor does Linux have any marketing aside from word of mouth to compete with the aggressive Microsoft/Apple duopoly.

    The threshold to entry begins at simply having the technical prowess to install an alternative operating system on one’s computer, which I don’t believe a good majority of people are even capable of. Before that, people also need an incentive to transition in the first place. They’ve probably been using their current OS for a good portion of their life and are more than comfortable with it without putting themselves through another learning curve.

    The average person isn’t considering an alternative to what they’re already using, and if they are, it usually isn’t Linux. The biggest problem isn’t appeal or ease of use; it’s exposure and immediate accessibility.

    That said, performance and simplicity would be an excellent selling point for Linux. It would be absolutely worth banking on the open-source nature of it to appeal to a growing demographic of people interested in privacy-oriented tech as well.