• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • I also use it since win 95. And really gad no Problems over the last years. Maybe the start if win10 was a little rough but after that no issues.I have used it for All kind of stuff: gaming, graphics 3d and 2d, game dev, programming, a lot of music production, writing and just tinkering around. I am no admin though, so i have no opinion on that. The only Thing where performance was bad, was on my old laptop which i Switched to Linux, but on my main PC no complaints. I do wish to switch to Linux at some point but right now some Software and Hardware i use just isnt supported, so there is really no good reason to switch now.

  • Well there is a lot to critizise on Windows, but to be honest i didnt have any Problems with Updates, crashes, installing Software and drivers or anything Else on Windows in years. Even upgrading from win 10 to 11 caused no issues. I do want to switch to Linux when the Hardware and Software i need is eventually supported, because i dont like all the privacy issues on Windows, but from a Performance and stability point of view i really cant complain about Windows at the Moment

  • ChatGPT explain like im 5:

    Scientists who study space recently discovered something very interesting. They were using a special telescope called the Webb Space Telescope to look at very old light that comes from very far away. They found three tiny dots of light that they think could be something called “dark stars.” Dark stars are special because they are powered by something called “dark matter.”

    Now, dark matter is a kind of stuff that makes up about 27% of the whole universe. It’s called “dark” because we can’t see it directly. Scientists know that dark matter is there because they can see how it affects other things in space, like how it pulls galaxies together. It’s a bit like how you can see the wind blowing through the trees, even if you can’t see the wind itself.

    Dark stars are different from the stars we see in the sky at night. The stars we see are powered by something called nuclear fusion, which is like a big fire in space. But dark stars are special because they are powered by the collisions of dark matter particles. They are much, much bigger and brighter than normal stars, like our Sun.

    The scientists found these three possible dark stars when they were looking at really old light. These stars are very young compared to the rest of the universe, even though they are still very, very old. The scientists think that these dark stars could actually be the reason why supermassive black holes exist in the universe. They also think that dark stars could help explain how galaxies, which are groups of stars, form and change over time.

    This discovery is very exciting because it could help us understand more about the universe and how it works. Scientists still have a lot to learn about dark matter and dark stars, but with telescopes like the Webb Space Telescope, we are getting closer to unlocking some of these mysteries.

  • After some Research and reading through the answeres here i think you are right. I do appreciate all the suggestions, but ditching my vsts and especially my Hardware really isnt an Option for me. I have spent too much money on them and i love working with them, and for a lot of them, there really just is now alternative that cones close to the quality. I dont want to talk down on all the amazing work the foss community has created, but i hope people understand that i dont wabt abandon my (expensive) collection. And in the end, my goal is to make nusic and not tinker around with an operating system. Maybe i will try a dual Boot solution. It really is frustrating though, i would really like to switch to Linux and i dont mind to put some effort in. But it seems that as long as the companies behind all the software dont Support linux, i will have to Stick with Windows.

  • Thanks a lot for the Hint about the vm solution, i will defenitely Look further into it. The only problem with actually running Linux on my Hardware i can think of would be secure Boot. But this can be turned off (i needed it for Windows 11 and some docker stuff i played around with). Years ago i had a dual Boot solution with win 7 and Ubuntu. But in the end i was more on Windows (gaming on Linux was way worse bock then) and eventually kicked Ubuntu off my harddrive.

    It isnt even that i have actual Problems with win11, in fact i have to say it runs well and very stable, at least on my System. Its more like an “ideological” Thing. I just want to have As little big corpo stuff as possible.

  • Hey thanks for the Suggestion. Ill definetly will look further into Ubuntu studio. As i understand it includes all the important audio settings and drivers.

    For my DAW i use Bitwig which runs natively on Linux, so that would be no Problem. The issue is more with my Hardware, Maschine mk3, and the Software it needs to Operate properly. Also yes i know there is a lot of free vsts, i used them when i started making music years ago. But since then i spent a lot of money on proprietary vsts that in a lot of cases (not all obviously) are just better. Especially when it comes to live sampled Romplers like Kontakt. Ditching my collection of Software i bought is therefore really not an Option. I dont want to talk down foss vsts and DAWs, there is a lot of really great stuff. But i hope you can understand that i dont want to Throw hundreds of Euro worth of Software to the trash.