Use wd40 specialist for eletronics and clean your controller. Had drift 4 years ago and after cleaning them with that product never had that issue again.
Use wd40 specialist for eletronics and clean your controller. Had drift 4 years ago and after cleaning them with that product never had that issue again.
Oh, you didnt develop your reading skills yet. Let me rephrase it ‘If we remove nukes from the equation im not sure if they would be capable to win against usa’
Even more, Russia is doing badly in ukraine, China is a wildcard, India has like russian weapons right? They dont fair well. European countries are well prepared with high training and high tech, but probably lack resources and manpower.
I really would not discard usa so quickly.
Im not american, but without nukes I’m not entirely sure that would be truth.
Oh man, you’re going for a reality check if you think that neo liberalism politics, anti science, climate change denial is going to solve any of your problems. Maybe it will solve, for the 1%.
That little vase with plastic flowers really ties ups the room together.
Oh, that sucks. Now I understand why you want a third party controller.