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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Rhetoric in my eyes exists mainly to soothe, people want and need positive affirmations and are persuaded by mostly that which tells them what they want to hear, so if you tell them something that they don’t want to hear (like a criticism) it’s best so sandwich it into other positive things they do want to hear (like thank you or a positive voice) to soothe them into compliance.

    Now that I read all this I honestly question whether I‘m a bit autistic too tbh, I like it online so much cause I can be blunt or more accurately truthful sometimes if I want without too much negative consequence, but IRL I basically always wear a mask hiding away my darkest thoughts cause I know they are unwanted and will be rejected by anyone but my therapist.

  • If she actually gets convicted of that, it might be another one of these events that seems insignificant on it‘s own, but could have repercussions in hindsight.

    Similar to those two self-immolations in the US due to climate change, the loss of these people stuck with me and we‘re not even in the same continent. I can‘t imagine how the relatives and friends feel.

    There is a lot of climate anxiety and fear around, and these sorts of repressive actions, or even the inactions following desperate moves, serve to strengthen these feelings.

    Wish the best for this woman, some people say or think things like “old people (boomers) don’t care” etc. and I admit I did too, but she proved it wrong, the climate concerns everyone.

  • Someone linked this to me a while ago cause I expressed climate despair: https://thecarbonalmanac.org/

    I then found it to download for free from the zlibrary (I can‘t afford it ok), and so far it‘s good, it gives a more action focused perspective and is more optimistic than I would be.

    So far it made me rethink my liberal use of cow products, while I struggle with even approaching a vegan diet, the “stop feeding into demand for cows” is a bit easier for me, I already didn‘t buy the meat for a long time and now I finally switched to an almond milk too and it‘s alright.

    I also did switch my search engine to Ecosia to plant trees, it‘s not much, but maybe it helps. Works alright so far.

  • Well shit. I thought this might happen. I mean it‘s only a talk for now, but I suspect further that there will be some sort of money offer in an effort to start the “embrace” part of embrace, extend, extinguish and with the NDA we won‘t know if he took the money or not.

    So for those who care about not embracing Meta, it‘s the canary in the coal mine. I‘ll switch to one of my safer Lemmy instances now I suppose before I get too attached to this one, see y‘all around under my new identity.

  • I just asked Chat GPT to write this lol it turned out super wordy, but made me laugh to imagine that.

    Subject: Resignation and Relocation: Charting a New Course

    Dear President Putin,

    I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. With a heavy heart, I write to tender my resignation as the head of Wagner, effective immediately. Please allow me to explain the reasoning behind this decision and outline my future plans.

    Throughout my tenure at Wagner, it has been an immense honor to lead our dedicated mercenaries in service to our beloved country. Together, we have undertaken countless missions, safeguarding our nation’s interests. However, recent developments have given rise to an increasing misalignment with the Russian generals, most notably Defense Minister Shoigu. This misalignment has significantly impeded my ability to contribute effectively, causing a sense of professional disillusionment.

    In light of these circumstances, I have made the decision to relocate to Belarus, a nation that has captured my attention with its unique prospects and conducive environment. This move represents an opportunity for personal rejuvenation and the exploration of new horizons.

    Although I am stepping down as the head of Wagner, I want to assure you of my unwavering dedication to our shared cause. Consequently, I have chosen to leave behind a select group of highly capable and devoted mercenaries who may be interested in joining the esteemed ranks of the Russian military. I trust that, under the guidance of the current leadership, they will continue to excel and make significant contributions to our collective goals.

    I am deeply grateful for the support and guidance you have provided me throughout my tenure at Wagner. Your unwavering commitment to our nation’s well-being has served as a constant inspiration. I am confident that under your astute leadership, Russia will continue to flourish and thrive.

    I kindly request your understanding and approval of my resignation, along with any necessary arrangements that may be required during this transitional phase. This email serves as my formal notification, and I am prepared to provide any additional information or assistance as necessary.

    Once again, I express my heartfelt appreciation for the opportunities entrusted to me and the confidence you have placed in my abilities. It has been an extraordinary journey, and I look forward to embracing new challenges and opportunities with a sense of anticipation and optimism.

    Thank you for your attention, President Putin.

    Yours sincerely,

    Yevgeny Prigozhin
    Former Head of Wagner

  • Wow yeah the government, judging by your writing style even the US one, which side are they again on? Corporations or people (if they even distinguish)?
    Let‘s check: https://www.vox.com/2014/4/18/5624310/martin-gilens-testing-theories-of-american-politics-explained

    Or as they put it, “economic elites and organized interest groups play a substantial part in affecting public policy, but the general public has little or no independent influence.”

    The only reason they‘d have the fediverse on their radar is banning it in favour for some platform that lobbied them, like say Meta.

    Anyway, luckily this is a global and decentralised thing and I for one like not waiting around for a government to think, decide and do anything and everything ever for me. I‘d rather find an instance admin who doesn‘t sell out at the first sign of a dollar.

    If that takes me spinning up my own instances to contribute to that and have at least one place which doesn‘t sell out, I guess I will.