
  • 4 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2024


  • It never went away in the first place

    Yes, last I checked, one of their prime hate forums r/KotakuInAction was still active, and still filled with the most pathetic little insects seething about the fact that women and minorities exist in media. Gamergate has never really ended. Most people just stopped paying attention to these fools.

    Unfortunately, that’s easy for me to say, since I’m not on the receiving end of their doxxing and death threats.

    I haven’t had the best life, but I just can’t fathom being such a total loser that I’d ever get that worked up over something like video games.

  • Anyway, here’s you straight up refusing to understand the concept of white privilege:

    My genuine reaction to everything you’ve said:

    Have an extremely shitty day, and let’s not talk again. I have even less respect for you now that when we’ve started – pretty impressive tbh since I started at zero so – achievement unlocked??, and you’ve confirmed all my suspicions about you by admitting that you think casual queerphobia is okay and that we queers are just “making a big deal out of nothing.”

    I can’t block your ass because I’m a mod, but I won’t be responding in any meaningful way going forward.

  • SHitty people all call their friends queerphobic slurs in both English and Spanish, I’ve seen it.

    It doesn’t excuse it, and it doesn’t make their language and behavior less queerphobic. In fact, the fact that they use it so casually is just more evidence of how deeply entrenched queerphobia is, and the fact that they’re willing to continue to normalize this in society with such callous disgregard for us LGBTQIA+ people does not reflect well on their character.

    Sounds to me like you just surround yourself with 4chan tier people. Yikes.

  • Fuck off with you’re straighsplaining and gaslighting. I have zero respect for anything that emits from your shitty straight centrist mouth. You’re nothing but a privileged queerphobe with a redditesque demeanor.

    I don’t need you to tell me what isn’t and is a slur in Italian. It’s clear that you’re wrong. I know shitty English and Spanish speaking Straights too who downplay hateful behavior, and you’re exactly like them.

    I hope something horrible befalls you.

    Edit: Thank you for saying I’m nasty, though. I really try to treat queerphobes miserably, so looks like I’m on the right track.