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Cake day: April 29th, 2024

  • Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFree Thinker
    2 days ago

    We’ve never had real communism.

    I don’t think human nature will allow for true communism at scale. Like all political organizations beyond a handful of people, corruption is de facto present and completely at odds with the theory.

    People can swear up and down that it’s doable but I truly don’t think it could ever be by humans. We are too selfish.

  • Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFree Thinker
    11 days ago

    I mean, the argument that communism is slavery to the state is a real and valid argument as of 2024.

    It’s not like capitalism is any less a form of slavery, except instead of stealing from everybody to give to everybody it steals from everybody and gives it all to insurance companies and other businesses benefiting oligarchs. The whole system is slavery under another name, work for the luxury of having a place to sleep at night so that your owner can live a comfortable life. Slavery to many masters who use your body for their gains.

    There’s not going to be a system that you’re not a slave to though, unless we somehow find a way to trivially convert matter to energy and vice versa and build a utopia where machines do everything for us… and we all share the rewards. All hail science fiction communism? (and keep in mind science fiction keeps becoming reality! Just don’t hold your breath for this in our lifetimes.)

  • I don’t really get all the negative press the guy is getting from the left spun media. His supporters aren’t disappearing… instead they’re coming out of the woodwork and showing their true colors that they’ve sworn all along isn’t how they are. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more voters this year than any year before showing up for the biggest asshole to be elected president in my lifetime. Also the only one term president in my lifetime from voters because he is hated that much by the other half.

    To so many conservatives racism doesn’t exist. They aren’t against black people or foreigners… but they are literally coming out front and center to be anti-black, especially since the pandemic era BLM protests. Springfield Ohio is just another perfect example of how racism not only exists, but is celebrated by about half the country. It’s just insane that it isn’t even shunned.

    My favorite line from the debate was when dumpy said “we have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums and they’re coming and they’re taking jobs that are occupied right now by African Americans and Hispanics” Are you fucking kidding me? Minimum and sub-minimum wage jobs are now “black and hispanic” jobs? That’s what you’re trying to force american citizens into? very low paying, low qol, minimum healthcare roles with no chance of advancement and no hope for a better future. Make america great again and bring back slavery right?

    Sorry for the rant, I just can’t believe how monstrous humans can be. There’s just no more rational discourse or anything resembling sane critical thinking anymore in the media. It’s all just outrage fuel and inane distractions. On the left media sites they keep saying it’s doomsday for trump. They said he couldn’t beat Hillary too and she had an even bigger point lead ahead of the election https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_us_110716/

  • The guy rolled up his window when the cops were talking to him. Any normal person would have spent the night in jail if they did the same, and then they would be paying to get their car out of impound, and then maybe their license would have been suspended too.

    I’m not saying what they did is right, i’m saying cops in this country are assholes. That’s what we expect them to be. That’s what the policies ask them to be. That’s what their bosses want. It’s what the elected officials who set the laws and guidelines they must follow want. It’s what most very old white people want.

    We need real change, we just won’t see it in our lifetime. We’d sooner see another dictator trying to conquer the world and committing genocidal acts than do anything to address the police problem here. Nowadays cops are just legalized bullies, just the way the ownership wants.

  • Water is wet too.

    Young has always trended liberal. Old has always trended conservative. This is just how the way the world works.

    The older you get the less you can believe people will change because the more you see how fucked up everyone and everything is. The theories they teach in school just don’t pan out in the real world when it comes to civic duty and patriotism. The whole american institution is corrupt and there to enrich the lives of the wealthy and influential elite. It’s not there for the masses.

    I’m old and hard left, but it’s because I know my money is just going to go to some asshole no matter what. I’d rather my kids have a chance of having a high qol even if they don’t escape the grind or become wealthy on the backs of others. But i’m a sucker, i’d rather help someone random than take more for myself. I’d rather give up half to make sure nobody lacks for housing, food or healthcare. After all almost everything I make goes into those three things anyway.

  • I’m guessing this song was held at a rally or event run by some obscure created-for-purpose llc named like “Texans for Trump MAGA Event 2024 LLC” so that when they’re sued the man himself and his campaign is effectively immune from prosecution.

    Instead some lackey gets to deal with it and the only money that can be extracted is shared amongst other debtors from all the shit they didn’t pay for after the event ended.

    That’s my speculation, but i’d be amazed if this isn’t the way they do it.

    Coleman said they were grateful that the judge agreed that it would be overstepping his power at this point in the litigation to order the campaign to take down existing videos.

    So is youtube overstepping their power when they strip audio from all those content creators videos, demonetize them, or delist them? Just asking because a judge doesn’t feel like he has the right to stop videos with stolen copyrighted media from being distributed so long as it’s this fucking guy. Everybody else though? Crippling lawsuits, garnished wages, prison time… you name it.

  • So you’re saying if the Russians struck Manhattan it would be relatively little impact. You think of the ten thousand nukes the US and Russia have on average will kill less than a hundred people. Or if just Russia, less than two hundred people per.

    I think each nuke is tens of thousands of immediate deaths followed by hundreds of thousands of mid to long term radiation fatalities. If we pretend that 25% of their 5000 or so nukes works, that’s still 1250 nukes. If each nuke of that 1250 works and kills 100,000 each, that’s 125 million people. I don’t think this is so far fetched given that a little over 80% of Americans live in urban areas.

    I just don’t know how a society can recover if the majority of it’s urban centers gets nuked and there is residual radiation there for the foreseeable future. Japan recovered because the nukes were small and there was only two sites, and that still caused about 110,000 casualties.

    How many submarines do you think they have in the Atlantic and Pacific with nuclear strike capabilities? How many nukes do you think are in range of major north american cities?

  • Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.eetoGaming@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 month ago

    It signifies that chinese made games about chinese/buddhist mythology will be incredibly popular in China.

    People go nuts for soulsclones regardless but given that this is probably the very first chinese mythology soulslike with professional production values no one should be at all surprised that it sells in China and abroad. Also the fact that it’s cheaper than china than any other region on earth is certainly a factor in it’s sales.

    As of right now, of it’s overall 354,187 steam reviews, only 14,757 are in english.

    Keep in mind that the US and Western Europe combined have about a third of China’s population.