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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • KillAllPoorPeople@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlVaccine research vs. anti-vax research
    9 months ago

    If you knew anything, you’d know this isn’t the reason why getting vaccine approval takes so long. It takes so long because there’s a mountain of bureaucrats, lawyers, researchers, and money required to get stuff moving along. Vaccines are pretty low the totem pole for companies and the government to give a shit about, since they’re usually about prevention and not treatment. Companies and the government can’t throw everything at a vaccine to approve. The only reason the covid vaccine was streamlined was because, you guessed it, we were and are in a global pandemic. Nothing about the approval of vaccines was abnormal, it still took nearly 2.5 years.

  • Antinatalists constantly tell people to kill their offspring.

    Some do, sure, but that’s what what antinatalism is. This is like saying “vegans constantly tell meat eaters to kill themselves.” Yes, some do, but the point of veganism isn’t the death of meat eaters.

    I argue on the same level as antinatalists.

    No, you argue on your deranged level by justifying it with your antinatalist boogey man. You’re like those YouTube conservatives who put up a picture of a blue haired teenager on screen and saying “this is who the liberals are.”

    If the cause is to end the suffering that humankind causes then there is only one solution.

    This is like saying the way to end violence done in the name of religion is to kill off all religious people. There’s more that goes into getting to an end solution than just immediately jumping to it. And it also seems like you think antinatalists entire existence is about making antinatalism, like there’s nothing else besides this.

    If my notions of the world are wrong, and humankind really is only a burden, then youre indirectly also calling for genocide.

    You seem to not know what the word “natalism” means. It’s about bring people into the world. It has nothing to do with people who are already living.

    And killing off all living people isn’t a genocide. It’s “speciocide.” Completely different things. Comparing antinatalists with people who commit genocides is unbelievably unhinged, but I should have seen it coming from someone like you.

    You think that isn’t fucked up?

    The only thing I think is fucked up in this discussion is people who only believe in antinatalism-lite for eugenic reasons and, of course, you.

  • So if you were truly commited to your cause and you wanted your bloodline to die with you, then you could also [i do not condone selfharm, this is purely for argumentation].

    I don’t have a cause. You’re putting words into my mouth because you don’t know how to argue in good faith.

    You’re literally telling me to kill myself because you’re personally offended someone dare challenge your preconceived notions of the world. You’re a truly fucked up individual. I pray you don’t have or ever have any dependents. You’re a danger to society.

  • I think you might be glamorizing it a bit. Talking about politics was until “recently” considered very rude and taboo. There’s been a big culture shift in talking about politics in the past maybe 15-20 years or so. I don’t have any hard data and this is just my view, but I think a major turning point was when a lot of the country realized how fucked up the wars in the Middle East were. This put people squarely into two pretty emotional camps, pro-war and anti-war. Everyone* had an opinion. Everyone* was open about sharing that opinion. Over those few years 2003-2008 was probably the biggest shift in openly talking about politics among regular people. And since being open about politics was now in, here came the wave of loud and proud racism from “centrists” and conservatives once Obama was elected and it hasn’t died down since.

    So, yeah, it’s real easy for discussions to get “hot” when one side is openly calling for all the -isms in the book and people on the other side finally realizing what’s happening.

  • I said parents are selfish for having kids. You can try to downplay it all you want, but you don’t have a kid for this future magical mystical kid. You have a kid for your own wants and needs over everything else. Just because having kids is an accepted action in society doesn’t make it not selfish. And since you think of “selfishness” as a bad thing, this makes your brain scramble and your cognitive dissonance go into overdrive causing you to come up with completely inept retorts like I’m “selfish” for simply existing and using resources that the Earth clearly has as I’m using them.

  • Humans can survive 100 F so it’s not a scale of 0-100, which you would expect for a system based on humans

    No one said it’s a scale limited from 0 to 100 on the basis of survivability. That’s something you just made up on the spot to push some weird narrative.

    The person I responded to said it was based off humans, I was arguing that it wasn’t because no patterns exist in relation to humans

    I again have no idea what you’re saying. The patterns of 0 being low and 100 being high isn’t a pattern related to humans? That’s obviously not true. We use 0 as the bottom and 100 for the top on a lot of other things.

    Well the person claimed it’s based on the temperature of water at sea level with 0 being freezing and 100 being boiling. This would be the 0-100% for water

    Why are you limiting 0 and 100 as cut offs?

  • Can humans survive 100 degree heat? Yes so it doesn’t represent 100%

    I have no idea what this means.

    150 for 3rd degree burns (almost instant), does Fahrenheit go off base 150? Also no

    What about cold? Well -40 requires a lot of layers, so then +40 should be pretty hot for humans right? Nope, because it’s not related to humans at all

    Why do these matter? What percentage of humans live where it’s regularly -40 degrees? Why does the scale need to be perfect in your opinion? And how is Celsius better?

  • Holy shit, what an anti-Semitic piece of shit you are. Absolutely classless.

    It doesn’t matter that you think this sort of “logic” leads to conspiratorial thinking. There is a “they” and it’s the ruling class. The ruling class, and its defenders, is made up of a lot of people and institutions who create, dictate, and govern the systems that keep them and their power firmly in place. Sorry that society is a bit more complicated than you want it to be. Reality is a hard pill to bite sometimes for you racists.

    And if you knew anything about anything, you’d know that democratically elected leaders are toppled by their ruling classes and/or outside forces (i.e. US) when something doesn’t go in the interest of the ruling class. To think somehow the US is immune from this is absolutely delusional thinking. Not surprising you’re into Western exceptionalism with your views on race.

    And again, I just want to reiterate how much of a bottom barrel racist scum you are.

  • If we could change politics by voting, we wouldn’t be allowed to vote.

    We’re not stretched thin to finance these changes. Taxes aren’t holding us back. This is what those with true power in society and their cronies say to not do anything. This is the whole point.

    No one is only blaming “billionaires.” This is you patronizing them, portraying yourself as a genius and the person you’re responding to as too naive and stupid to understand how life really works.

    And no, we don’t have agency. We have a deluded sense of agency where we think we can vote and change the system from within.