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Cake day: March 10th, 2025


  • IZZI@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzDunning-Kruger
    6 hours ago

    Since gender is socially constructed (male norms, female norms, male jobs, female jobs) the presence of trans people in society that not only understand both sets of roles but can navigate them is probably an advantage over societies where those roles are less fluid and more strict.

    This might sound strange but I don’t believe in an set of norms in that sense. People can do whatever the fuck they like. Male jobs are male jobs because they require more muscle, female jobs might require more emotional IQ but I don’t see why you should be constrained to that

    I’m a dude, I like doing laundry, and I like playing with kids, don’t like cars and don’t like football. Does that make me a woman?

  • IZZI@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzDunning-Kruger
    7 hours ago

    Do you really think trans people go through all that just for the fun of it? I honestly think they have mental problems that won’t be solved by mutilating themselves. It’s not me to make that decision for them and it’s their body but I try to keep myself as far away as possible.

    And if a women is not a woman and starts HRT and everything, he’s a dude.

    What do you mean a woman is not a woman?

    Can you tell that just by looking at people?

    Most likely not, but by interacting with people, yes.

    Can you tell me the sex of each of those people?

    Only from faces? Most likely not. First pic looks like a woman, second like a man, 3rd pic that dude might be a woman, 4th the dude is a woman and 5th I have no damn idea

    called them slurs

    I don’t call people slurs mate, I just avoid interaction.

  • IZZI@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzDunning-Kruger
    7 hours ago

    I think you might be misunderstanding the OP.

    Yes, I actually was

    How do you differentiate between “normal” and a malformation?

    If you need special care or attention that is a malformation. If there is a change in your physionomy that impedes you to have a life as normal as other human (you were born without a hand) that’s a malformation.

    You were arguing that you can’t change sex and now you’re retreating to ‘you need drugs to change sex’

    I was actually arguing that you can’t change your genome, so yeah, sex. But by HRT you still don’t change that, you just try to mimic traits oposite of yours.

    Do you think language just evolves on its own without any human interference? Language is by definition something we do.

    Of course language can be influenced, but usually when it is, it’s for ease of understanding, and generally making people lives better.

    By changing the language just for some people to be triggered because they were “misgendered” you don’t bring any value

  • IZZI@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzDunning-Kruger
    7 hours ago

    Ok here I can see my lack in logic. I understood that the PhD was saying that XX can change into XY during the life of the person, not that they are born XY and naturally develop female traits.

    My only pet peeve with all this is “misgendering” which I honestly despise. If one is a grown up 180cm male I’m never gonna call him a “her” just because of a wig and makeup.

    But if someone was raised as a woman because that’s how her body developed even if she has XY chromosomes I won’t call her “he”.

  • IZZI@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzDunning-Kruger
    8 hours ago

    I keep hearing this. If gender is not sex than gender is not real, you can be whatever you want whenever you want, right?

    Still, if a dudes is a dude it’s a he, if a woman is a woman it’s a she.

    The only time I would actually bother ask someone what they like to be called is if they have an intersex condition. That’s it.

    Have you ever, in good faith, talked to a trans person?

    Yes, it was the exactly stereotypical “call me mam” hairy dude. Yeah, that’s never gonna happen. First time in my life I told someone to never talk with me and pretend I don’t exist. I don’t want to interact with these kind of lunatics.

    Have you ever, in good faith, talked to an intersex person?

    No but I would love too, that seems genuinely interesting. I’d have so many questions to ask

  • IZZI@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzDunning-Kruger
    8 hours ago

    So we agree that there are

    XX - woman XY - man

    And some genetic mutationa in between XXY - Klinfelter syndrome XXXY - no idea how this is called X -Turner syndrome XX intersex XY intersex And true gonadal intersex

    And still these are medical conditions, a man on drugs wearing a wig is still a man, and a woman on drugs to grow facial hair is still a woman.

    It’s a he and a she regardless

  • IZZI@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzDunning-Kruger
    8 hours ago

    I think it’s really funny you left out the exact intersex conditions that disprove your point, Swyer syndrome and de la Chapelle syndrome.

    And again, those are conditions, not something you choose to be, you are simply born like that.

    So someone with de la Chapelle syndrome is neither a man nor a woman but has a syndrome?

    Well than, waht is someone with Chappel syndrome?

    Sex is not just chromosomes (as proven by the two conditions I linked above)

    Oh yes, it’s also the malformations that you were born with

    with hormone replacement therapy, which changes some secondary sex characteristics. Or even just gynecomastia does it too.

    oh so you need drugs to mimic traits from the opposite sex (there are only two after all) and gender is given by your sex.

    Forrest Valkai’s new Sex and Sensibility video (warning, it’s long).

    I am actually gonna watch this

    Language is completely made up and changes all the time. But you’re claiming it will never change again?

    Yes, language is not “made up” it evolved and will evolve naturally, demanding language to change to cater to you is not natural.

  • IZZI@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzDunning-Kruger
    9 hours ago

    Arguments mate, or you are just wasting our time.

    Let me ask you this:

    What is the 3rd gender that one can “transition” to? Does one need to take drugs to impede their biological physiology to work properly if they want to “transition”? If one stops taking hormonal drugs what will happen?

    Any individual can have different traits:

    • a woman can be agressive, impatient with kids and mean
    • a man can be a good cook, can like to clean take care of kids and easy to scare
    • a woman can be good at fighting and assertive
    • a man can have mood swings

    Nothing of what I said makes anyone less of a man or woman, they are EXACTLY what they were born with whatever masculine or feminine traits they have.

  • IZZI@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzDunning-Kruger
    9 hours ago

    From the article:

    “Girls born with XY chromosomes are genetically boys but for a variety of reasons – mutations in genes that determine sexual development”

    And again, they don’t magically become the other sex, that was already determined at birth.