Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

  • 41 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Earth Defense Force 4 or 5 can be good “training” games. They’re 3rd person shooters, you’ll spend more time moving around than aiming, since your targets will be giant insects, giant spiders, giant aliens and giant alien ships. Even playing online with randos is fine and fun, and I say that as a similar 30+ yo dude.

    It’s a grindy game tho and, much like Dynasty Warriors, you should NOT let your pride dictate that you should “start with hard”. Go with medium and, if shit gets too hard, drop down to easy, get better weapons and more health, then come back with a vengeance

  • Another thing the sequels didn’t have: accompanying games. The gaps between movies weren’t filled exclusively by live action and animated series

    Sure, only Revenge of the Sith actually had an actual “the movie the game”, but the 90s and early 2000s saw a number of amazing Star Wars games (and some less than stellar), most only partially related to movies, others with completely news stories, which definitely helped keep people interested in the universe, even if they didn’t like the movies. KOTOR, Republic Commando, Battlefront, X-Wing series, Dark Forces series.

    Meanwhile, during the Disney years, we had Battlelootbox 1 and 2, Squadrons, Jedi Fallen Order+Survivor and… that’s about it (also some Lego Star Wars stuff). The mobile stuff might as well be SW skins of whatever is the current mobile trend.

  • The games have a number of captains, and they will sometimes fight among themselves. The winner will get stronger and level up. The player can attack these captains, too, who may have a strong point or a weakness. If the player dies while fighting, the captain grows stronger and will taunt the player on a rematch. If the player manages to make the captain flee and live, he may develop a fear for the player

    There are many things that can define the captains, such as fears (of the player, of fire, of wargs), weaknesses (to stealth, to arrows, to fire) and even immunities (to arrows, to stealth, you get the drill)

    Also, if the player dies to an unamed orc, said orc will become a captain. I vaguely remember some captains coming back to life, if they weren’t decapitated on the killing blow. They return weaker, but will comment on wanting revenge.

    As a final note, Shadows of Mordor is a pretty fun game. Think of it as Assassin’s Creed exploration with Batman Arkham City combat. Not the most faithful game to Tolkien’s work, but it’s good.

  • I know the post is a joke, but the main difference is that Luke was on the winning side at the end of ep 6, redeeming his father and avenging old Ben, while OB1 saw his entire world, the Republic and the Jedi, being destroyed at the end of ep 3. He became a target and “traitor”, so hiding was the only sane choice.

    Also, while OB1 readied himself to fight Anakin, it was the latter that jumped to strike first. Luke tried to kill Ben while the kid was asleep.

    As others said, Luke retiring or wanting to be left alone because he fucked up big time isn’t a problem per se. The way his reasoning is treated, especially for trying to kill Ben Solo, is what left a LOT to be desired. “Oh, I had recurring nightmares that he’d fall to the dark side”. Well, did you confide that with anyone? It’s not like Yoda, Anakin or Obi-Wan’s force ghosts would rat him out. - My memory is hazy, but I don’t remember him saying, or the movie showing, what he tried besides cold blooded murder to avoid such a fate.

  • Luke didn’t need to personally kill Snoke, but helping the Republic he helped reinstate would make sense. He wasn’t just a jedi or force user, he was also a great pilot, the backwater kid that blew up the first death star and one of the many pilots that helped defend the Hoth base against the Imperial assault.

    Maybe the whole jedi and force thing went way too much over his head, to the point where everything else stopped being important to him. I don’t remember how exactly it was depicted in TLJ, but I don’t recall him saying anything about the New Republic, whether or not he cares about it anymore or why.