I’m giving up on Lemmy. Too many toxic users. Too many bad mods who fail to remove the toxicity. And toxicity seems to be part of the culture here, judging from how everyone acts like it’s normal. Also, why is everyone a programmer?

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2024


  • By the way, the Democrats didn’t become this way overnight. They were steered this way by their leadership.

    The party in general follows the direction of the leaders. The people here are calling Gabbard a Russian agent because Hillary Clinton did that in 2016. The people here are okay with supporting Israel’s genocide because Biden said he supports Israel.

    I will be watching over the next two months to see if Harris and Walz can steer the party back to sanity, but so far it’s not looking good.

  • However, we are NOT MAGA […] we want what’s best for everyone in this country, including those on the Right.

    Are you sure? Because, by the way, people in this thread have called me dipship, shithead, idiot, moron, puppet, troll, and told me to fuck off multiple times, invariably with a slew of upvotes.

    And why? Because I said I don’t think Gabbard is a Russian asset? They’re making excuses for supporting genocide, but I’m the one who deserves abuse?

    And you want me to believe that Democrats aren’t like MAGA? It sure looks like MAGA to me, and you’re telling me to not believe my own eyes. (Maybe easy for you when you’re not the one being abused for the crime of disagreeing with people.)

    Maybe the Democrats have become MAGA and you just don’t want to notice it.

  • So you’re calling me a sealion because, after dozens of messages insulting me, I pointed out that I didn’t deserve to be thus abused.

    And you think my politeness is some kind of manipulation instead of, oh I dunno, maybe I just don’t think getting angry helps improve the quality of discourse on the internet, and also I’m mindful of the fact that this sub has rules on civility (which no one else seems to be following, but which I’m aware could get me banned by a mod if they were looking for an excuse, as often happened on reddit).

    What is wrong with you? It hasn’t even crossed your mind for a second that I might be a real person expressing my real thoughts, has it?

  • Homerian, I’ve been rather patient.

    You’ve been patient with me?

    This is the first time I’ve said anything to you. I haven’t demanded any of your time.

    I don’t feel you’ll have your mind or opinions changed by words on an online forum, largely due to how you don’t typically listen rationally.

    Look at this thread. I’m being downvoted for correctly pointing out who was president of Ukraine during a particular event. For correctly pointing out when China last ruled Vietnam. For pointing out what “red scare” means.

    If I fail to be persuaded by this particular online forum, it’s probably because this particular forum is showing me that it doesn’t care about facts.

    We both deserve some level of respect, if only as fellow human beings.

    Thank you. I appreciate you saying that, when so many others in this thread have used insults, called me stupid, and accused me of being a troll.

    But you’re also being very condescending. (I’m sorry, I don’t know how else to respond to someone saying I “don’t typically listen rationally”.)

    However, we are NOT MAGA. We do not subscribe willfully to a cult without first being tricked

    Well, neither do the MAGA people. They’ve been tricked. They’re the product of fearmongering and misinformation.

    I’ve always hoped that the antidote to that kind of hysteria was facts and information, and I’ve been frustrated that MAGA people (including those in my family) aren’t more receptive to facts. They’ve become skeptical of any information that isn’t presented to them by “their side”.

    Now look at this thread. Facts are being downvoted. Anyone who disagrees with the Democrats must be an agent of Russian disinformation and we must distrust what they say (and we’ll yell at them and insult them for good measure). And heaven forbid that anyone criticize Harris. That’s what I mean by the Democrats becoming like MAGA.

    If Harris or Walz or Obama or fucking Abraham Lincoln came back and began yelling about how they will become King

    Trump didn’t say he would be a King.

    Others said that the supreme court ruling made the president like a king. Maybe you’re thinking of that.

    Trump also said he would be a dictator on Day 1 (by which he meant that he would pass a lot of laws by executive order on Day 1, not that he would rule like a dictator throughout his term in office). You might be thinking of that.

    We follow those we follow because right now there aren’t many choices

    Yeah, I understand that. I honestly do.

    Like, when I say I’m leaning towards voting Trump, it’s not because I love Trump. I am similarly dealing with a lack of good options.

    But backing a particular horse doesn’t mean you have to be uncritical of that horse and attack others who do criticize that horse. That’s where you start to seem like a cult.

    Harris has said some good things. (Like, I think her housing initiative is very good.) But she’s also said some worrying things. (I’m currently quite rattled by her staunch pro-Israel speech, which has been followed by Israel attacking Lebanon.) I think the way to advocate for Harris is to point out what you like about her, rather than attacking people who criticize her.

    we want what’s best for everyone in this country

    I just want the best for people too.