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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • China is definitely pumping money into its manufacturing capabilities, but I don’t think cornering the international market is why.

    What appears to be happening is that local officials pushed an industrial development policy to make economic numbers go up. Some provinces got to the point of building factories and leasing them out to companies for that sweet economic growth.

    The Chinese national government is trying to find a market for this since it can’t afford for all Chinese local investment to be bad. Developing countries don’t have the funds for the cheap solar output and the other industrialized nations are putting up trade barriers since they are running massive trade deficits with China already.

  • The answer is slightly more complicated than that.

    Part of the problem is that a lot of mass transit was built in the USA by private companies to make a profit. This went from trolley lines in small cities to large parts of the NYC Subway and almost all commuter and interciry rail.

    Most mass transit systems ended up being built as loss leaders to develop suburban property. After the property was developed, the incentive to maintain mass transit dropped. Along with that, rail companies generally hated passenger service and preferred freight instead.

    It eventually got to the point where the private company would collapse and there was little political will to maintain service. There was some lobbying done by auto companies, but a lot of it came from cities and states too cheap to make transit a public good with public funding.

  • No, but my job includes producing and verifying calculations.

    We already deal with computer models, but there is a concept of “garbage in, garbage out” where the model is garbage because the inputter didn’t understand what to put in the model or even what model should be used.

    So the modeling may be more efficient, but the budget gets blown in verification because the model is crap.

  • I feel like it wasn’t just Kes who had this problem.

    The Doctor and Seven were probably the best written characters. Tom and B’Lenna were probably the next two after that. Janeway only got better because she could act as a bad parent to Seven, which vastly improved her character and gave her focus. Neelix and Tuvok kind of drifted off to the background. Kim and Chakotay were blander than that, although Kim got a few decent character beats.

    I’m not going to fault the actors on this, since this was the writing.

  • Voyager was probably the most high concept of the era’s Trek and didn’t really fulfill that promise. It is funny that DS9 kept better track of its roundabouts over Voyager’s shuttles.

    They really didn’t nail down the writing of the crew. The Doctor and Seven are the best written. However, out of the rest of the crew, only Tom Paris seems somewhat consistent.

    You get some good episodes out of it, but I don’t think it plays with the parts of Trek they were given to its fullest extent. I also feel like, while some of the shows are pure Trek, they aren’t Voyager.