• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’ve only heard of Mary Seacole out of the black Britons from history we’re expected to know of.

    I actually googled the musician and he has a relatively interesting story but it’s also not at all surprising people don’t know who he is today - he had one piece which was very popular called the Feast of Hiawatha which according to Google was played regularly until 1939 and then doesn’t seem to have been revived. Seems he was much better regarded as a conductor.

    Anyhow, historically this country’s establishment has made it hard for black people to get famous until the 20th century, something that this academic surely knows. She’s either naive or deliberately skewing her results for headlines by asking for names from a time when her top rankings include a Roman Governor!

  • Someone else mentioned Procession to Calvary - an adventure game set in a cut and paste world of renaissance art with a very surreal plot and sense of humour. Pythonesque.

    There Is No Game is pretty hilarious, the voice acting always makes me crack up.

    Agatha Knife is a funny point and click adventure game where you’re a 7 year old girl who’s a butcher and needs to set up her own religion sacrificing pigs in the basement for… Reasons.

  • I like the part where they point out that writers probably have more leverage than they think about having a say - but then maybe many writers don’t consider the ebook side of things when thinking about getting their work published.

    It’s obvious that ‘they’ are out to demonise IA as something like Pirate Bay whereas it really, really isn’t. Aside from the massive amount of obscure reference material, I found BBC documentaries on there from the 80s about some history which is otherwise unobtainable. I can understand if there’s some legal points which need to be worked out between both sides in order to keep the site going… but that obviously isn’t what the publishers are going for.

  • I mean my take on ‘safe spaces’ when it comes to forums/communities/subs whatever largely comes from disability support groups where the ground rules are generally along the lines of:

    You can offer support but try to steer clear of unasked for advice. Never offer medical advice.

    Don’t be dismissive of other people’s experiences - everyone’s experience is different, and if it doesn’t match yours that doesn’t mean it’s invalid

    No personal attacks, derogatory language, racism (etc)…

    You could argue that because everyone is joining a Mental Health or Epilepsy group the shared experiences will be similar enough to give it an echo chamber quality (‘me too’! ‘I had that!’) But then that’s part of the point, to make people feel that they’re not on their own. People aren’t going to challenge people on these forums very often unless there’s clear evidence they’re not who they say they are which is once in a blue moon rare.

    Anyway we’re not pushing for new societal norms in these communities, we’re seeking refuge from societal norms, where we can talk with people who ‘get it’ because others don’t. I think that’s what the purpose of some of these safe spaces serve