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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I don’t necessarily disagree that we may figure out AGI, and even that LLM research may help us get there, but frankly, I don’t think an LLM will actually be any part of an AGI system.

    Because fundamentally it doesn’t understand the words it’s writing. The more I play with and learn about it, the more it feels like a glorified autocomplete/autocorrect. I suspect issues like hallucination and “Waluigis” or “jailbreaks” are fundamental issues for a language model trying to complete a story, compared to an actual intelligence with a purpose.

  • Seems like a sensible overhaul, hitting the major issues with the fee, but still going ahead with a version of it. Big points for me:

    • Not retroactive. Only affecting the next version of Unity, and you can even opt out of updating to skip the fee.
    • Data is now reported by the customers. Still not sure how that plan to enforce this, but it’s a hell of a lot better than some arbitrary data collection scheme being baked into the game.
    • Free version is excluded. No charging tiny side projects, or students or something, it only affects already paying customers.

    Still not sure I love charging per install as a concept, and they’ve already overplayed their hand and burnt many bridges, but at least this implementation isn’t insanely hostile. Guess we’ll see how this plays out from here.

  • I also feel like a lot of the value of chronological is lost if I think it’s algorithmic recommendations. If I don’t know I’m browsing the latest? I’ll likely just think the algorithm is serving up some garbage. Especially somewhere like Facebook, where people haven’t really been curating their feed for years, just… following whoever to be polite and letting the algorithm take care of it.

  • Eh, I’d assume the comparison isn’t flattering. I think the point of this article is to argue you don’t need ElasticSearch to implement a competent Full Text Search for most applications. Splitting hairs over a few milliseconds would just distract from that point, when most applications should be prioritizing simplicity and maintainability over such tiny gains in a reasonable dataset.

    Might be interesting to try to analyze at exactly what point elasticsearch becomes significantly useful, however. Maybe at the point where it saves a full tenth of a second? Or where it’s returning in half the time? Could be an interesting follow up article.

  • Great read!

    I think a bonus point in favour of composition here is the power of static typing. Introducing advanced features like protocols can bring back some of that safety that this article describes as being exclusive to inheritance.

    Overall, I think composition will continue to be the future going forward, and we’ll find more ways to create that kind of compilation-time safety without binding ourselves into too restrictive or complicated models.

  • Alright, guess I’ll reiterate my usual beats here. AI code assistance is interesting, and I’m not against it. However, every current solution is inadequate, until it does the following:

    1. Runs locally, or in an on-prem instance. I’m not taking it up with legal or security if I’m allowed to send our proprietary code off to be analyzed on a foreign server. And I’m not doing it without asking. It just isn’t happening.
    2. It has to be free, or paid for by my company. It’s cool, and it might help me work, but paying a subscription fee on something that only benefits me at work is essentially the same as a pay cut. Not interested.
    3. It has to analyze the entire repo. In my current tests of ChatGPT, for most cases I’ve spent long enough giving it context that I could’ve just… solved the problem myself. It needs to have that context already.

  • Personally, I’m subscribing to the belief that the fediverse’s attribute of “true censorship is impossible” is a benefit, not a curse. Every prior example of censorship has just morphed into “advertiser palatable”. Which is bad for everyone.

    More than happy to have access to instances that will take the kind of drastic action you’re suggesting, access to my own “block” function, etc. Let them come.

    The fediverse will inevitably host some messed up stuff. Counting it a blessing that those people have a clear place to go to and sequester themselves off.

    So ultimately? More than happy to have an instance that agrees with this extreme anti-censorship posture. Sh.itjustworks is fine in my books. I can block the community, just like I could block subreddits on Reddit without abandoning the whole platform. Hell, even write a script to block everyone who’s subscribed to the community. The power is yours now, and nobody can take that away. That’s the fediverse.

  • I used an extension a while ago that changed CSS colour values (#ababab) into little coloured dots, that became a colour picker when clicking on them (while still letting you input RGB or Hex, ofc), and it was pretty awesome!

    So, I could unironically see this being really nice. Although… I think this would need a pretty narrow context, something like if x == true would look pretty confusing as a toggle, I imagine. But assigning x = true? Bring it on.