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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • I understood their logic most of the time (some iffy moments for sure), but my main issue with it was it all felt too fast. Like someone telling a great story but in such a rush to the finale that they end up glossing over details that make it so enjoyable. Decisions the characters made felt like they should have cooked several times longer than they did. I expected some arcs to last a half a season, maybe even a full one. But by the end of the episode it’s not an issue anymore and we’ve moved on.

    That said, Walton Goggins is killing his role, and I see it as a solid resume addition for a lot of the others. There are scenes and lines that are meh, but also ones that show me these actors can pull off some great performances

  • I love Fallout and played 3, NV, and 4 avidly. It’s a good adaptation. A little campy, but it feels like something made by people who know and love the source material. And with the goofy moments come some real nasty aspects of the wasteland laid bare with no question as to how nasty it is, even in the first couple episodes.

    The Vaults setup was unique enough to feel new, but fit the Vault-Tec MO nicely. 4 felt generic, but I think it was mainly included for people who didn’t play the games so they could get a general vibe.

    The subtle nods are nice, with enough items and mechanics from the games peppered through to make it feel like part of the universe. Some are on the nose like Sugarbombs, but I’ve recognized generic NPC armor from the games on extras in the background.

    It was also odd but fun to see game mechanics work in real time, like seeing drugs heal a grievous injury

    If you want an adaptation of Fallout story it may fall short with the lighter stuff. But if you want an adaptation of a Fallout playthrough I think you’re I for a good time.

  • Looks like they put off the science fair project for too long and had to throw this little number together the weekend before. Been there, I still remember mine: what genre of music will cats like? Hypothesis: classical. Result: hard rock. Sampled 4 cats over 5 genres, took an hour. Methodology was crap. Sample size was crap. It was a non-experiment that scraped a “you tried” grade

  • I have played HL1 and HL 2 and I still have like 5 more in my backlog. I have no idea what HL 2 Episode 1 and 2 are, Black Mesa is just HL1 HD I think, Deathmatch is multiplayer I think, Deathmatch: Source is in my library too whatever that is, Alyx exists but is only VR I think…

    Idk I got into half life thinking I had 2 games to play and now I have no idea what these other games in my library are. Going to have to do a deep dive soon.

  • Take Care was probably the first rap album I ever cared (heh) to listen to, and he was my favorite artist at the time. I was in high school and just branching out from my rock roots. I still enjoy Crew Love and Marvin’s Room, but I’ve honestly moved on from Drake as an artist. I kind of liked Nothing Was the Same, but I wasn’t really feeling where he was going. Felt cockier and lazier. IYRTITL was where I could tell that trajectory was going to continue and checked out. Checked out God’s Plan and wasn’t impressed. I saw a show for the Summer 16 tour and that was probably the last time I cared about his music. I had already been moving away, but the lack of enthusiasm I had at that show solidified a lot for me.

    Moved from him to Kendrick, then started exploring old school hip hop and other, less commercialized stuff. Now I honestly have way too much excellent music on my plate from a ton of genres to care about what Drake is doing.

    TL;DR: Liked his old shit, either grew out of him or he changed or both, and now I couldn’t give a rat’s fart.