Hello I am new, confused and excited about Lemmy! I like the vibes.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • What do you mean, we can’t throw him in prison!? IF we had a functional justice system he would have been hung as a traitor to the United States. He tried to overthrow the government and kill the vice president. There should have been no coming back from that. This isn’t just hearsay we saw it happen live. Then he sold documents to any foreign government who showed interest, which is also highly, HIGHLY illegal.

    If the justice system is so broken as to not penalize a man who is attempted to take down our democracy multiple times, than project 2025 is inevitable. If it not illegal to overthrow the government, than why does it matter who we elect?

  • I don’t have a lot of advice on how to identify triggers, it’s a crap shoot, but here is what I do about them when I feel overwhelm coming on.

    One: Belly breathing. This is beyond a doubt the greatest skill I learned in therapy. Plenty of tutorials online for it and few different versions.

    Two: Imagine a dial on your stomach with the numbers 1-10. 10 being meltdown and 1 being completely calm. Picture yourself slowly turning down the dial while taking deep breaths.

    Three: I started carrying a small fidget toy in my pocket that I can play with when I feel like I want to rip off my skin and run screaming out of the biulding.

    Hope this helps!

  • I finally, finally got a decent used car. I didn’t realize how much driving a 2006 shitbox affected my life until I got a 2018 toyota. Holy shit. I don’t have to plan every trip to have multiple stops bc I can’t afford to waste gas. I don’t have to take my big winter coat and negative rated sleeping bag with me everywhere, all the time, because I don’t have to worry about breaking down somewhere and having to wait for a tow truck.

    I have a backup camera, which as someone who has always struggled with parellel parking is a GODSEND. I don’t have to listen to the same CD on loop bc the radio actually works.

    But the best part? The parking brake works. Now I can park on inclines! And the dash lights work too! No more using Waze at night to see how fast I’m going at night!

    I feel like I’ve finally broken the poverty loop! (Well part of it anyway.)