Nah, it was a last-minute gift for her mom, and my wife didn’t want to go empty-handed. The bad guys won that day.
Nah, it was a last-minute gift for her mom, and my wife didn’t want to go empty-handed. The bad guys won that day.
My wife bought a Keurig coffee maker on Amazon for a Christmas gift. When it arrived, the box was mailed directly from JCPenny.com. I looked on their website and the coffee maker was $35 cheaper. We learned our lessons about dropshipping and only looking at Amazon for products.
Keep fighting the good fight OP!
Wow, maybe Elon is the only person capable of getting Republicans out of internal combustible engines and into electric cars. Welcome to Bizzaro World.
Maybe they should copy what Bernie Sanders is doing. He’s not even running and packing out town hall meetings. Who knew being against oligarchs, authoritarians, corporate cronyism and for the middle class would appeal to people?
Yeah, whereas I used to have dog food shipped from Amazon because it was cheap and convenient, now I pretty much only do it for the convenience, because it’s priced the same as Petsmart and Petco.