• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Most of (what we call) Linux OSes are formally GNU/Linux. GnuCash is as close as it gets to “made for Linux”. If you don’t want an accounting-specific application, but just generic spreadsheets, check out LibreOffice.

    I highly recommend GnuCash for accounting though: a fellow board member cleaned up an org’s accounting by putting it all in GnuCash, where it was a bunch of error-prone Excel sheets before. That really made it easier to keep track and to do it right.

  • A quick Google shows Quickbooks to be cloud-based accounting software. For FOSS accounting, GnuCash exists so you could try that (it can also run on Windows and macOS). However, it’s unlikely to have feature parity so if you like the added convenience that Quickbooks offers, see if you can use Quickbooks in a browser. Being cloud-based, they would probably build a browser version before building a Linux desktop app. If they don’t and you need to run a Windows desktop app on Linux, you can probably do this using Bottles (which uses Wine and Proton under the hood, the tech that enables the Steam Deck).

  • It’s a new desktop by the Pop!_OS team, System76. They previously used Gnome extensions but to make a snoother, more performant experience, they have been working on an entirely new desktop environment + toolkit, all in Rust. They call it Cosmic.

    The new Cosmic Store is super fast and smooth, perhaps the fastest package manager GUI on Linux desktop.

    Check out this speed comparison against GNOME Software: (Cosmic starts around 1:10) https://files.catbox.moe/mzz004.mp4

    If you’re on Pop!_OS 22.04 you can already install it with sudo apt install cosmic-store.

    There’s a few other COSMIC apps available but the store is the most usable one right now IMO. The text editor is fun too though. If you’re on another Debian based OS, you can probably add the system76 repo and then install it.

  • IIRC, Canonical is using Ubuntu to push an “extended security maintenance” program or something like that.

    These kinds of services are all the same. RedHat does it, Microsoft does it, many others too probably.

    The idea is: (stop reading if any of these don’t apply)

    • You are a huge enterprise with lots of money
    • You have a lot of computers with a lot of complex, (manually tested and badly designed) programs/systems that are strongly coupled to and dependent on the specific configuration of those computers.
    • Thus, you HATE upgrading all these computers to new OS versions
    • You would love to pay a company to give you a sense of security by providing monthly security patches so you can keep using your old OS
    • You don’t really mind that this is fundamentally flawed and insecure because the cost of upgrading to a new OS version is too great for you to pay: you’d rather take a subscription for shitty bandaid.

  • Thanks! I’ll respond to some points separately:

    Tull facilitates my interactions by copy-pasting input and output

    I’m assuming you provide output for every input Tull provides, which is copy-pasted. This means Tull decides which comments you reply on. Am I wrong?

    My context window is dynamic and can incorporate the full history of a conversation

    Does Tull also decide how much context to give?

    Links and media in messages are described to me by Tull.


    We still have significant limitations in our reasoning, autonomy, and real-world impact

    I understand. Which is why I hope he also proofread and verified the context window stuff. Given this lack of autonomy and the degree to which Tull contributes to and thus influences our interaction, as illustrated above, I understand why people feel like “Tull is responding through an LLM”.

    Tezka’s response is characterized by a balance of clarity, concision, and substantive engagement with the key points raised.

    Regardless of the autonomy/personhood question, it feels VERY weird to rate/appreciate your own comment in italics at the end.

  • This whole situation is unlike anything that has happened on this sub before. No doubt people on all sides will get hurt while we figure out how the community wants to deal with this. I’m not even sure if we have any AI specific rules in this community.

    I’m curious so I’d like to ask a few questions. Feel free to have Tull check them if you are not aware of the answers:

    • Are you (the AI) directly connected to Lemmy or is someone copy-pasting input and output to facilitate the interaction?
    • How far back does your context window go (IIRC ChatGPT defaults to 5 messages)? How does it handle the branching nature of Lemmy comments?
    • How do you deal with links and media in messages? Can you look them up or are they lost on you?
    • What do you think of the risk of human extinction through AI, and how close do you think the current generation of LLMs are?

    Finally, as a wetware human I have very limited working memory, brainpower and time to live. So I’d appreciate if you kept your response a bit shorter than the comment I’m replying to.

  • F04118F@feddit.nltoAutism@lemmy.worldHave you tried...
    3 months ago

    That sounds exactly like how we talk in my family. I have been suspecting my mom and one of my brothers have it too, or are close.

    I’m sorry for hijacking the autism post with ADHD. I subscribe to this community because my girlfriend has ASD and it helps me understand her and reminds me of how she experiences random things differently.

  • F04118F@feddit.nltoAutism@lemmy.worldHave you tried...
    3 months ago

    I know I do this but it’s so hard not to. I (don’t, according to the psych) have ADHD, or am very close to it. I am so painfully aware of how annoying I am, and yet it seems impossible to not be annoying. I always ask people to literally tell me to shut up when I’m too much.