1 year agoI would honestly like to see a reference to whatever study you’re quoting. Because all the data I’ve looked at clearly shows the US getting hit harder by COVID than anywhere else.
We’re #1 in both infections and deaths. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1093256/novel-coronavirus-2019ncov-deaths-worldwide-by-country/
Over 100 million cases of it have been documented here, with over 1.1 million deaths. This also places us at the second highest of per capita deaths in the world under one country: Peru.
Our COVID death rate accounts for 1/6 of the total world deaths from COVID.
You’re half right.
We absolutley and without question have the money, resources, and infrastructure to supply the world with what it needs.
However, 90% of those resources are owned by individuals, not countries.
In order to accumulate this wealth, they have exploited millions, usually through government bribes, or capturing entire political parties outright.
Now that sharing their hoarded wealth is essential for human survival, they are choosing to disrupt any conversation about it. Socialism and the “left” way of thinking - to provide resources where they are best needed - is dangerous to their wealth, so they’ve spent millions on preserving it at the cost of preserving humanity.
That’s what you’re seeing across the globe. Selfish narcissists that care more about themselves than humanity.