That seems to be his kink
Does your podcast live on Trigger Avenue?
Jon Stewart has weekly podcast now, eh? SUBSCRIBE
Ask Robin 😁
To the best of my understanding, mathematics isn’t referencing a singular object but is used as an encompassing term to refer to content from multiple schools of mathematics e.g. geometry, statistics, calculus, algebra etc. Or in other words, all the subjects covered in math/maths class! 😊
Dear Netflix, I’ve been a loyal customer since 2013. I’ve been perfectly happy with our arrangement. YOU are the one terminating our contract, not me. It seems you’d prefer to get rid of a happy, paying customer in the hopes you can somehow persuade them to embrace a higher cost or shittier experience (ads). That’s a bold move Cotton. Buh-bye dons pirate hat
Because it’s the short form of “mathematics”
Although typically I’ve seen the UK call it maths and North Americans call it math.
Hmm I’m a beginner myself, but I don’t think the beak looks right for a crossbill…
Not really. I’ve run Plex for years now, and it’s still infinitely better than the PS3 Media Server we ran before. Sometimes it crashes but that’s always been resolved by a quick reboot. I have more issues with my Nvidia Shield than with Plex itself.
Thanks for that BigFig! You’re doing such a great job with thes3 communities! I appreciate you keeping the art separate from the discussion and the memes 🙂
I’m disappointed we’re still framing it as an issue that only impacts women. Other than that I’m right with you, but see a lot of potential here.