• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Oh absolutely! I’ve heard the term “power gamer” used to describe people who love building the perfect, 100% optimal character that is multiclassed just so with such and such items, who can do X amount of damage per round, and so on. I think some people use that as a derogatory term but I don’t see it that way. It’s just how some people like to play, just as some people like to play characters who are this race with this color hair and an elaborate backstory, stats be damned.

    There are absolutely people out there like what you’re asking for. Lots of combat, exploration, puzzles, and roleplay is restricted to basic narration (“my character asks where the bad guy is” “ok, roll persuasion”). They have a presence online as well, for example r/3d6 on Reddit, but it’s a bit smaller/less vocal than the RP folks I think.

  • I genuinely wonder how much it matters though. From online discussions you’ll see that Baldur’s Gate 3 is beloved by fans and held up as a benchmark for community engagement and listening to player feedback. It won GotY, had a launch far beyond anything the devs expected, and got incredible rave reviews.

    But if you look at the top 20 best-selling games of the year, Starfield is #10 despite a lukewarm reception, numerous issues, and being accessible via Xbox Gamepass, while BG3 isn’t even on the list.

    I think it really brings into perspective just how small a minority the people who post online about these things are, regardless of platform. Maybe the Gamers don’t know jack about your job, or maybe all their criticisms are 100% right. If it sells millions of copies either way, who cares?

    The occasional salty dev, I guess

  • I like this concept, and I think at a table where players are more likely to just put random rings on and see what happens it could be a lot of fun. I also like the concept of losing fingers and how that might impact a character. Maybe it eventually imposes disadvantage on attacks for a melee character, or affects a spellcaster’s ability to use spells with material components. You could specify in the description if you like, but a DM could also have some fun figuring out the exact consequences

    I see some important bits of info you should add:

    1. Is it an action or bonus action? Magic items in 5e will specify. So the description would read something like, “as an action, the wearer points the digit wearing the ring at a target within range, causing the ring to glow as it focuses its energy. On the wearer’s next turn…” Alternatively, if you don’t think it should require an action, you could say “When the finger wearing the ring is pointed at the target (no action required)…”

    2. What’s the range? The various spells have different ranges as written, but perhaps setting them all to one high value would be fitting for a legendary item

    3. What’s the spellcasting ability used? This informs the hit bonus/saving throw DC. For example, I as a DM would need to know what a target has to roll on their DEX save against that fireball.

  • Yeah this would potentially be a nice solution; I do think it’s fair that if you see someone casting a spell you yourself can cast, you’ll recognize what it is. The one drawback I can see is that it requires me to have everyone’s spell list memorized, which increases the chances I miss one of the matches.

    The more I think about the arcana check, the more I’m interested in it; initially I was worried adding additional checks every time somebody casts a spell could slow combat down too much, but maybe I’m overthinking that.

  • When I was a player, my DM would print out whatever battle maps he needed and laminate them for the dry erase marker. An even more adaptable version of that would be a clear plastic sleeve or cover placed over the paper, so you could have a variety of maps handy and swap them out as needed.

    Now as a DM myself I use my iPad and the procreate app, which works fairly well. I can have a ton of maps ready to go for both battle and exploration, and a bonus is that I also have an easy way to hide and reveal parts of the map using layers. There’s an iPad app called encounter+ that’s specifically for running combats off of an iPad, but it has some features locked behind a paywall and a bit of a learning curve, so I haven’t used it myself.