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Cake day: June 18th, 2023



    Someone posted earlier this week that it looked like Captain Batel was having a really bad day, and yup, she definitely was. My heart sank when she revealed the Gorn egg infestation. My money’s on her being the sole “main” character casualty from the events of this episode.

    I didn’t know Scotty was going to show up so that was a total surprise. Finding out he was Pelia’s perfect student who somehow flunked made all the sense in the world, ignoring the obvious small universe complaints.

    I LOVED all the effects shots of the Cuyuga’s debris field. I initially thought crashing the remains of the saucer section into the Gorn jammer was complete overkill, like throwing a dinner plate at a toothpick, but then realized the jammer must have been absolutely massive and far away from the settlement. It looked like it was relatively nearby upon initial viewing which didn’t appear to be the case considering the explosion from when the saucer section hit it.

    That cliffhanger, wow. I pray that they have the second half already written and aren’t going to do like TNG and wait to write the conclusion. It was mentioned in the TNG Companion that the writers only wrote the first part of their season ending cliffhangers and waited until closer to filming to write and finalize the second part which doesn’t seem like the best way to develop a strong resolution.

    I love SNW so much. It’s going to be an agonizing wait until the new season, probably 2025 at this point? Argh.

    EDIT: I swear I didn’t read any posts in this thread before posting my thoughts. I’m glad and amused to see we Trek fans had many of the same reactions!

  • Somehow I’ve gone my entire life not knowing this monstrosity existed and is actually canon. Now I have to look for it in my current rewatch of DS9 when I get to the Dominion War.

    I’m completely torn on it. It looks hideous but it makes sense as to why it exists. Like everyone else, I also thought it was too convenient that Voyager’s appearance didn’t change as it tried to return home, getting damaged by enemies or having bits simply wearing out and needing replacement without the luxury of Federation starbases around.