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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Non autistic lurker with a wife and two daughters here who are “slightly on the spectrum” here.

    I have been a linux user since the early editions of slackware, full stack Kotlin/Java/angular/react developer professionally.

    In my spare time I build stuff with electronics (mainly esp32 microcontrollers) and am trying to automate the living daylights out of our home.

    I have organized Coderdojo (programming for kids) in the city I live and am doing volunteer work at a music venue.

    (If I read this back, ADD could surely fit my personality lol, no disrespect intended)

    If there is something I can help out with, don’t hesitate.

  • Thank you for sharing your linux journey!

    I’ve been toying around with linux since the old famous slackware distro!

    I have used Windows professionally, later switched to Mac, but my desktop (my main driver) has been linux for a long time.

    I run it the way I am most productive with it (yes, Gnome, don’t hate me, but liked xfce before that).

    I like the way everything is customizable, light weight and… free.

  • Aside from that I think C is more performant than C++ (indeed when you use the bells and whistles that C++ offers), you are comparing the libraries with each other.

    The fact that the implementation of one random std::Sort is faster than the implementation of qsort() is comparing libraries, not the languages. You are comparing the algorithm of the Rust Sort with quicksort (which is obviously the qsort you are referring to.

    I am certain there are sort implementations in C which outperform Rust.

    Having said that, I immensely enjoy Rust because it forces me to think about the error handling and it does not give me the quirks of C/C++ (index out of bounds, memory corruption).