Just another reddit exile.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Today I spent a few hours gathering the crapload of Nanking cherries that have ripened on my bushes. When we moved in, almost twenty years ago now, we used to call them bird berries because we didn’t know they were edible, but the birds seemed to love them. It occurred to me today that I haven’t seen a single bird eating them this year. Maybe the berries are plentiful everywhere, and they’ve just found other places to gather, but it was a sobering realization.

  • Seems like a good way to grant the party a bag of holding early on. They just come across it discarded in a corner somewhere, and are stunned that an item in such good shape was just abandoned. It appears brand new and has a mix of mundane objects and apparent treasures inside, and the words “Bran’s Bag of Holding” is stitched in elegant lettering on the outside. If they try to dump it out to do an inventory, one random object remains inside. It takes a very high skill check to notice this, as the mimic mimics the inside of the bag as it holds on. If they dump the bag out a second time, the assortment of objects is the same except for a single item. Asking around reveals that Bran was a famous local adventurer who disappeared suddenly.

  • If you think about time travel seriously, you start to see how truly complicated it would make things. If the multiverse exists and time travel also exists, then inevitably there would be meddlers from the future messing things up. And following that would be those who believe such meddling is dangerous, because it creates more timelines branching off that would accelerate the meddling, until there are more polluted timelines than “natural” ones, creating a future filled with bizarrely chaotic outcomes all branching from the recursive meddling. And so there would have to be some kind of ongoing arms race of preservationists versus people who want to stack the future with timelines friendly to their own cause.