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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023

  • Case@unilem.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlliterally no clue
    9 months ago

    We keep the front mowed for the HOA.

    The backyard can grow until we worry about snakes affecting our pups.

    We have a front garden that gets no care outside HOA recommendations. It came with the house.

    Can’t wait until I can OWN a house, but the market (with all the influences upon it) isn’t there.

    I’m saving, and considering moving to another state, if that helps all the pedantic monsters our there.

  • Case@unilem.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlDoes cyber-bullying work ?
    9 months ago

    I having a gaming laptop. 13 inch Razer blase stealth.

    I bought it for the GPU and its compact size.

    Let’s me do some hash cracking while at work, though if its some serious work I’ll boot into Linux on my gaming rig and do it there, but I don’t like to tie it down when I could be playing games.

    As I get older and older I have less and leas free time.

  • Unless things change drastically for their RPG division, I’ll repeat what I’ve said since oblivion. Bethesda makes great modding platforms, the content within the game is a loose theme that modders can play with.

    Yes the new Fallouts are just TES in the Apocalypse.

    Yes starfield is little more than TES in space.

    I buy Bethesda games for mod potential.

    If they said no mods to all future games I wouldn’t buy another one. I don’t play ESO and I have never touched fallout 76 for this reason.

  • Case@unilem.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlLet 'em COOK!
    9 months ago

    Was that based on a more adult (but still young) reading level? The name sounds familiar and I grew up on RL Stine until I found the deluge of books set in the forgotten realms (Dungeons and Dragons setting, for clarity, not written by Stine)

  • Case@unilem.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlthe way it is
    9 months ago

    They probably recognized enough to tell it was a Germanic language, but knows no German.

    That would be a very common response in my area, but it was settled prominently by German immigrants.

    There’s a subtle awareness you get growing up around people who are very proud of their Germanic heritage, but not in a racist way like some would assume from the south.

  • Proprietary formats are certainly an issue outside of Canada.

    Most of the reason corporations/governments stick with popular proprietary formats is actually money.

    Developing/investigating an open format is expensive. and then there is the problem of people who have only lived in a digital walled garden.

    If you have to train all of your new employees on how to use it the cost rises exponentially.

    Then you have your IT support folks who probably just got it dumped in their lap at the last second, and have no knowledge of it themselves, because training wasn’t an option due to time or money.

    As a person who handled (solo help desk for that shift) the change over of a health networks electronic medical records systems, I receive no training and was told that they had consultants on hand to transfer them to - yeah well in 4 hours over 2000 calls came in. And of course I got yelled at by a dick hole boss (if your adult children won’t speak to you, and you’ve never met your grandchildren, you are the problem) about people who didn’t want to wait in line for one person to answer the phone and dropped the call.

    That boss was ultimately the reason I left that company in favor of a previous employer who offered a lot less problems. Stayed there until the pandemic (hospitality IT) and its been a shit show ever since.

  • Thank you for differentiating.

    The original “skin head” movement was mostly factory workers in Britain who cut their hair short (not necessarily shaved bald) for safety around equipment, and some of the most popular music among the group was stuff by “rude boys” Jamaican primarily I believe.

    It was working class solidarity with no intentions of racism.

    The neo Nazi groups coopted the term, and delved into punk music to find disenfranchised people who would buy into their rhetoric.

    There are also other skin head groups that exist today - SHARP for example, standing for SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice.

    Espouse hateful rhetoric around these guys and you’re liable to wind up on the wrong side of a brick to the head.

    Why do I know all this? I have a penchant for research, and in the past few years I’ve been shaving my head because I decided to own my thinning hairline instead of have some ridiculous comb over type shit and hide it.

    I have had an encounter with a racist white dude at a 711, and he’s ranting at the cashier and looks to me and said “Right brother?!”. No, it was absurdly horrible (misguided) and I threatened to call the cops if he didn’t leave the store and hopefully the neighborhood. He left when he realized he didn’t have any support.

  • I started with Backtrack on a laptop, and I currently have Kali on a preserved USB; with endeavor as a daily driver.

    That being said, my current “real” daily drivers in Win10, mostly for gaming - Not because proton doesn’t do a hell of a job, it certainly does, but it makes modding single player games more complicated. I will say that is absolutely my fault, I haven’t spent enough time to figure it out. But after work, and the wife, and the animals, and the alcoholic BIL who shares the house… I just want to use Vortex to add some simple QOL mods to single player games and play it.

    I troubleshoot IT issues all day at work, at the end of the day, I just need it to work. I’ve hardened and removed as much telemetry type bullshit as I could, but I’m sure some slips out. For my threat model, on this machine, I’m fine with it.

    On the aforementioned labtop I boot into Kali for… well, that has a different threat model.

    Its all self hosted vulnerable VMs for the specific reason of education, but some activities may fall into a grey area, so better safe than sorry.

  • Kali was built out as a penetration testing distro, though it does contain some diagnostic tools.

    Not a bad place to start if you’re used to Debian, but it is a rolling release so it may break unexpectedly, or have new bugs introduced with each update.

    A persistent USB with just Debian could have all the same tools installed but have a longer support scope on releases so you don’t have to update daily (bleeding edge) which is nice to reduce read/writes to the flash drive it’s on.

    That being said, I keep a Kali live image (persistent) but thats becauae its home - my first introduction to Linux was 5 minutes with Red Hat, but aside from a brief intro in highschool, I really started with Linux in Backtrack, offensive security’s predecessor to Kali.

    Yes, I have to learn things the hard way lol.

  • I was way more competitive as a kid. Physically too, if needed. Hockey and all.

    I was a goal tender and if I let one past, I considered it a loss personally.

    That drive left me with a record that hasn’t been beaten in the league, over half my “career” was shutouts, and the only time we lost was when I couldn’t play.

    I’ve thought about getting back into it, but between the cost of gear, the time, and the fact that my knee would give out before a period is over really deters me.

    Life protip: don’t be the pedestrian in a car on pedestrian accident.