Sometimes I make video games

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • I am not a biologist, but the way I was taught was that monkeys have tails and apes do not.

    As far as the spelling, “monkeys” is correct.

    You may be thinking that you want the plural of monkey, but because it ends in y the ending should become -ies. For example: berry -> berries

    However, that rule is a little more complicated, and the ending of monkey is -ey. Because there is a vowel before the y the ending you don’t have to change the -y to -ie and instead simply add -s

    English is stupid.

  • I’m afraid I don’t have a specific example in GDScript, but I have written enterprise software where this was the case.

    When talking about the speed of languages we often focus on the runtime speed. But another important factor is development speed. In my experience, an interpreted language such as GDScript or Python has a much faster development speed than a compiled language. This is really great for prototyping, especially when you don’t know exactly what changes you might have to make on the fly.

    The philosophy that I have is to avoid premature optimization. And what I mean by this is that I’m going to write the program the simplest way I can think of the first time. Of course, the first draft isn’t always the best solution, and if there are issues they’ll make themselves apparent. Once they make themselves known, then we can address resolving them.

    So now that you’ve identified an issue you can work on optimizing it. You’ll want to do some profiling to find the problem areas, but generally the issues will make themselves known. Some portion of the program will need a rewrite and you can begin working on that. There might be bad control flow or an unhandled error, and those are easily fixed. But sometimes it boils down to a computationally expensive algorithm.

    If you encounter a problematic algorithm, you might have to write it several different ways to figure out what’s fastest. After all, most problems can be solved in many different ways. But eventually, you’re going to find your fastest solution. And if that solution still isn’t fast enough, then it could be time to look at switching to a compiled language.

    I guess what I’m getting at is that out of all the tools in the toolbox, rewriting to another language is the last one I reach for. However, it is still sometimes the correct solution.

    Thank you for reading this far. As for some Godot stuff, they have this cross-language scripting feature. Basically, you can fairly easily interface some C# into your GDScript when and where you need it, instead of deciding on one specific language at the start of your project.

  • “Red tape” is a pretty common idiom here. It’s similar to bureaucracy, but it’s more like the useless stuff you have to deal with in order to do something.

    Say you want to update your driver’s license and you need to bring in some ID and fill out a form. That’s regular bureaucracy.

    If you want to feed the homeless so you have to get a permit for an event, prove your volunteers have food-handling training, fill out forms for your volunteers, notify the police that there will be a public gathering, schedule an inspection of the facility, etc, that’s red tape.

    Another way to look at it might be that Bureaucracy describes the system in which offices communicate with each other, and Red Tape are the tasks/forms/whatever you have to complete in order to get what you want approved.

  • I’m still learning Godot myself and haven’t used a PopupMenu before, so I’m not sure how much help I can be.

    However, regarding Issue #2 at least, I wonder if the issue might be the draw order of your CRT Shader. It’s the last node in the scene, and if you move it higher in the hierarchy (or at least above the PopupMenu) you might be able to clear that up. At least, I’ve had a couple of issues in the past that were resolved that way.

    I hope you figure it out, good luck!