• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Indeed. It articulated a lot of what I’ve seen since I graduated high school about 20 years ago, and it helps explain the hypnotic allure of toxic shitheads like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro. It also helped me understand a little more about Trumpism and why it’s so weirdly intoxicating to people like my father in law and uncles, who really are just sad, old, ugly, many-times-divorced white men with limited education and very little to offer to the rest of society. They’re fucking angry, and it was hard to figure out what they were so mad about until I started reading stuff like this. They’re completely unmoored and irrelevant, and they’re lashing out in what’s really a cry for help, even if it’s too deep within their subconscious to be actionable.

  • Part of me keeps hoping that there’s some kind of systemic right-wing bias of modern polling methodologies, and that as time goes on we can count on the gap between polling and election results to get larger in the leftward direction. Gods what I wouldn’t give for a systematic, nationwide trouncing of the GOP like the one Dems got from them in 2010. Instead it seems like we keep getting hope dangled in front of our faces and results are always middling, at best, with the rare exception of a Georgia runoff or an Alabama one-off.

    I sure hope you’re right that Cruz is in trouble. For all our sakes.

  • What a bullshit, clickbait headline. The actual story is at the end:

    Baris claimed that conservative polls showed that Trump was tied or had a “believable” edge against Harris.

    “And when you look at the track records of the pollsters in those two courts, right in those two camps, really, you know the ones who are showing the tighter race with Trump with an advantage, have better track records,” he insisted.

    He’s not saying her numbers are “unbelievable” as in, “holy shit that’s awesome!” He’s saying they’re literally unbelievable, as in, “I don’t believe that’s real.”

  • No. If 5% of my voting base sits out over a single issue, I’m going to lose my interest in trying to triangulate their support and move in another direction to identify a more persuadable bloc of voters. That goes more if the abandonment is repetitive, and if the issues constantly change, or if the issue is something I can’t bend on for electoral reasons.

    If one bloc of voters is easier to please than another, then I’m moving in their direction, even if it’s rightward. Unfortunately it’s winner-take-all, and you’re either in power or you’re not. There are no half-wins.

  • So, first, the way you copy+paste that response is difficult to follow, counterintuitive, and unnecessary.

    Second, yes the KPD were often in violent conflict with the centrist parties. Violence had been reciprocal, unfortunately. And I’m not sure why Marx (a centrist) aligning with the DNVP years before undermines the broader point that it wasn’t Marx who elevated Hitler to the chancellorship. Sometimes US Democrats have negotiated with Republicans, but that doesn’t mean they’re responsible for everything Republicans have done or will do.

    In this case, Thälmann and the BVP share the blame for not seeing Hitler and the conservatives as a bigger, more existential threat. Whatever threat Thälmann perceived from the SPD, BVP, and Marx’s former allies (the DNVP), they obviously dwarfed in comparison to the threat of the Nazis. Not saying their fears were unjustified, mind you, only that they obviously chose wrong by not looking at the bigger picture. Maybe they thought they were doing the right thing in holding true to their principles and not joining forces with the SPD and BVP, but it’s obvious now that they should have taken strategic influence more seriously, for all of their sakes.

    Edit: Looks like the .ml brigade showed up in force today.

  • The mistake Ernst Thälmann made was not throwing his support behind checks notes Paul von Hindenburg, the man who ordered the police massacre of the Spartacus League?

    Um…no? Von Hindenburg was the conservative. They’d have thrown their support behind the centrist, Wilhelm Marx, who lost by about 3%, thanks (in part) to the 6.3% Thälmann took. The rest of the blame lay with the BVP when they protested against the Social Democrats by siding with von Hindenburg.

    Who elevated Adolf Hitler to the Chancellorship in 1933?

    Von Hindenburg, with the help of the governing coalition formed by the Nazis and DNVP, all of whom were conservative.

    What point are you trying to make?