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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2024


  • But if you have any ideas

    Both my avatar and channel cover are made with AI models - so this is a good start.

    IMO the biggest potential is indie game dev - AI image generation is amazing for static backgrounds, character design, and with certain loras it absolutely shreds pixelart - I even saw entire workflows for building pixelart animations (I think it was for ComfyUi tho).

    Also local image models are uncensored so… porn XD

  • No, child slaves on cocoa farms or mines aren’t being exploited at all!

    So you’re blaming capitalism rather than uncivilized governments of these countries that fail to uphold basic human rights? Horrible take is horrible.

    On average. What about the minimum?

    I think you mean median - minimum is just arbitrarly set number. I cant find any median figure. Anyway the point is that Chinese aren’t exactly poor.

    You don’t have electronics without them. Sorry, yes they do. Also, tariffs are only on the products coming in, not the raw resources used in the production.

    You know what the funny thing is? That if there was no tarifs, there would be more demand for these goods and poduction would create more jobs with better salaries there. But EU has policy of protecting its internal market.

  • First, the notion that somone producing goods I’m paying for the amount they ask is somehow exploitative is ridiculous.

    Second, Poland has almost no economic ties neither with africa, nor vietnam. We have a lot of trade with the rest of EU and China


    Forth: European Union has Tarifs on products from OUTSIDE


    They want the goods to be produced INSIDE the EU!!!

    What you just said is all wrong on so many levels that’s it makes me cringe.

  • Where are you from?

    I’m from Poland. I was born around the time socialist system fell, and was replaced by capitalism.

    Mistakes were made, hyperinflation destroyed all the wealth that remained in the early 90s, everyone was impoverished billionaire. Wherever you looked it was neverending gray desolation, broken, disfunctional infrastructure buliding falling apart and so on. But then government employed western economic advisors, budget has been balanced, money printing stopped, necessary reforms were made and over the next three decades Poland grew from a complete africa-like shithole into an european economic powerhouse.

    Just to put it into number average monthly salary was like 100-200 USD equivalent in the 90s vs around 2000 USD now.

    How can you dismiss achievement like this? You can’t. You probably were never told about this in the first place. What you should ask yourself is why nobody talks about it?

  • Capitalism is a shitty system. So many capitalist countries have horrible living conditions and/or have collapsed

    You have no idea what are you talking about. I happen to be born in one of those post socialist countries, and had to grow up in the shit left after that failed system.

    Do you know how did it fail? After USSR lost it’s grip on the eastern Europe, the governments in these countries for the first time organized free, untampered elections, and the socialists system lost by the vote of the people in every single one of them. Everyone hated it, even the governments that were previously tasked by USSR to enforce it.

    And you know what happened next? Decades of rebuilding of the broken economy, EU accesion, access to the common EU market, and the greatest wealth creation in the history of these republics.

    Your argument is invalid.

    Again, if socialism was doomed to failure none of this would be required

    Are you joking? Do you know how many lives were ruined or lost before that cursed thing fell apart??? All the poverty all the repression, it’s all fucked up, and you want this pathology to be tolerated around the world?

    You bought into a toxic cult. Face it.