• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • https://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd/what_is_the_gnu_hurd.html

    The Hurd is the GNU project’s replacement for UNIX, a popular operating system kernel.

    The Hurd is firstly a collection of protocols formalizing how different components may interact. The protocols are designed to reduce the mutual trust requirements of the actors thereby permitting a more extensible system. These include interface definitions to manipulate files and directories and to resolve path names. This allows any process to implement a file system. The only requirement is that it have access to its backing store and that the principal that started it own the file system node to which it connects.

    The Hurd is also a set of servers that implement these protocols. They include file systems, network protocols and authentication. The servers run on top of the Mach microkernel and use Mach’s IPC mechanism to transfer information.

    The Hurd provides a compatibility layer such that compiling higher level programs is essentially transparent; that is, by means of the glibc, it provides the same standard interfaces known from other UNIX-like systems. Thus, for a typical user, the Hurd is intended to silently work in the background providing the services and infrastructure which the microkernel itself has no business implementing, but that are required for higher level programs and libraries to operate.

  • I see what you are saying, but we should not refer to communists as tankies. Instead of alienating others, we should try to win them over.

    Hearts and minds.

    one up man ship and gotcha type discourse won’t help our cause. We want people to turn to anarchism and for that we need to convince though rational arguments.

    We should also appeal to people’s emotions.

    We should speak to their sense of freedom and individuality. We should show them how we are all wage-slaves and that once we abolish property all the people who have been poor will over night be rich. All of a sudden the bread that rotted off limits can now be eaten by those who were condemned to look at it from afar before.

  • Actually anarchy is not chaos or a state of everybody vs everybody. Anarchy is greek for without rulers. It is basically synonymous with democracy in it’s original sense.

    Anarchy is a organized(even industrialized and modern) society but without powers concentrated in the hands of a few. Anarchists like myself believe that power corrupts, and even if you joined government as an angle in due time you might fall to the temptation and divert the power granted you by the massed for your own ends, in turn betraying your mandate. I believe this to be the fatal flaw of both systems like USSR and the one we live in, both are state-capitalism.

    Anarchists believe that you cannot part with your freedom and then ever expect it back…

    God and state is a great book to interest you further or the conquest of bread there is also lucy gonzales parsons and others like proudhon.

    I hope you enjoyed this little write up and become an anarchist. 😘