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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • When scientists want to publish their results, the paper first goes to one or more referees (usually anonymous), who advise the editor about the quality of the paper. It is common for referees to ask why the original author(s) did not consider a particular question as part of their work. The reply in the cartoon is commonly used by the author to defuse that question, essentially saying we didn’t consider that question because it’s too much work, and just publish what I’ve done already, dammit.

  • Starlink is causing problems, but it seems to me that this image was made in bad faith to oversell the case. The caption says it’s a combination of 29 separate exposures, but if those exposures were combined properly, you wouldn’t see the satellites (median combination does wonders, and there are more sophisticated techniques which do even better). Some streaks start at one chip edge and extend to another chip edge, without continuity across the focal plane. So it’s not at all clear just how this image was created. And why on earth is it not flat-fielded? Maybe this is just really sloppy image processing, but even amateurs can do far better than this, leaving the final combination with no satellites at all.