I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Hi!

    No matter how much I try, I just can’t make it work with NTs. It’s like we’re 2 different species in the same type of body. At this point, I’m only sticking to chill autistic and ADHD people. I don’t care anymore about making it work with NTs.

    Do you have preferred time zones?

    What’s something you find interesting about clocks that most people don’t seem to know?

    Also, I just realized that battery voltages run in multiples of 1.5v. I wonder why not 1, 2, or 5.

  • Cards:

    • write what you like about them
    • add a relevant story you guys share within the last year that reflects that quality of theirs


    • if they tell you they like something throughout the year, add it to a private note to look at during their bday
    • something they would love to have or use but wouldn’t spend their own money
    • bonus: relevant to their quality story


    Card: Happy birthday! I love how you’re always happy, like when we went to the beach and it started raining. Even though we were bummed out, you found a way to make it fun and we had a great time. I hope you receive the same happiness on your birthday that you gave me at the beach.

    Gift: The shirt they said they liked at the beach store but didn’t buy it for themselves.

    Follow me for more autism survival guides 👌

    edit: Warning, some people will become upset if they recognize that you follow this/a formula. I haven’t figured out a solution to this.

  • From what I can tell, et al. is not about socio-political power*. It’s just a necessity for ease and efficiency. In-text citations need to be short to limit wasted space. Otherwise, we’d have lots of text dedicated to unnecessary names. An in-text citation that reads (Perez et al., 2023) is much more efficient than (Perez, Washington, Smith, Iwukuni, Johnson, Patel, Boofy, Yamirez, Tate, Hendrix, Apple, Man, & Gargamel, 2023).

    Using 7th ed. APA, the citation entries in the bibliography/references include upto the first 20 authors, so contributors are rarely omitted.

    • Perhaps being the first author is in many situations, but APA format can’t really address that.

  • I’m no STEM major, so I may be way off, but this is how I see it.

    V = IR isn’t math. It’s a way of defining the relationship and outcome of two specific physical qualities. It says that we combine the resistance of a medium ( R) with the current flowing through it (I) into another joint emergent quality we call voltage (V). We do this because it makes our understanding of the physical world easier to manage since this relationship has helpful applications.

    Math is simply patterns in the relationships of quantities. It excludes any physical units or qualities. In other words, math is the art of counting.