im not a “gringo” but go off on telling us how you view the world through a racial lense.
also. im not american. my country has a much higher value on public education, and its a much higher quality on average compared to the US and all other G7 nations. and we actively teach critical thinking in our curriculum for this exact reason. to avoid fear based actions, and to not fall victim to bad sources, or at least severely reduce the chances, people are people.
trump has been a POS loser since at least the 60’s, elon has been a silver spoon fed dip shit his entire life who just had enough capital to buy other peoples ideas.
ive disliked elon since he attained billionaire status, and ive never like trump. he was always a creep and a failure of a human being.
feel free to tell me im wrong, but lets leave race out of the discourse, okay buddy? it doesnt serve your point. unless thats your only point?
i understand your point, however.
theres nothing speculative about questioning a sources validity when its well know the source is partially responsible for things like BREXIT which weakened the UK, the EU, and NATO. all things that make someone like putin, crack a corner of the mouth smile. and how it has a conservative right leaning bias, opposing anything liberal minded people may believe in regardless of whether or not their counter point is even remotely true or beneficial to post for the average reader.
its also known to spread sensationalist, and innaccurate news, consistently. its always been a controversial news source. and a laughing stock of journalism.
hence my skeptisizm, but i digress.
daily news blows. thats my point. i dont trust them to report quality, fact based news.