Careful. From all the B movies I’ve watched, I can tell that volcanoes have standards.
Careful. From all the B movies I’ve watched, I can tell that volcanoes have standards.
Look into Single Sign-On services (SSO) like Authelia, Authentik, or KeyCloak. Most SSO tools do the sorts of things you’re looking for. Some will talk to the native UNIX user store. I do agree with the others, though: if you’re this far along, then it’s time to spin up LDAP and SSO, but this might be the same tool in your case.
Right now, I’m using Obsidian. I think I’d like to transition to keeping docs in a wiki, but I worry that it’s part of the self-hosted infrastructure. In other words, if the wiki’s down, I no longer have the docs that I need to repair the wiki.
Synology has the best systems of their kind. I’d go with them for pre-made solutions. Their UI is simple enough for most folks to understand.
Backups. Backups. Backups. Focus on what you can reliably do. If you can’t make a service bulletproof, then maybe it’s not ready for everyday use.
Keep good notes. Notes tell both what you did and why you did it. Keep track of what problem you’re solving or what goal you’re working toward. All of this will help when you do look for a new IT provider. Use your notes to help the business define requirements for them.
A lot of folks are going to be sharing their device with others. How does that work?
It was a constant part of my Saturday mornings. It was stupid, but there was just enough lore to keep us all waiting for the next episode.
I liked the small cameos in the maze battle scene. The characters from the 1980’s cartoon show made an appearance, even if they didn’t say anything.
They mean political handcuffs, not the criminal kind. If trump wins but democrats control part of congress, then he will have a harder time pushing through legislation.