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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Adderbox76@lemmy.catoProgramming@programming.devStart learning at 50
    2 months ago

    I don’t know enough to know if my ideas are achievable, or if I’d just be bashing my head against the wall.

    Achievable is subjective, and even if you progress a ways and learn something that makes you realize that that particular project can’t be achieved how you envisioned it, you still have the knowledge to either a) figure out new ways to achieve the same effect, or b) take to a new project.

    Knowledge builds on knowledge builds on knowledge. If factor in not starting a project is not knowing enough to know if it’s achievable or not, you’ll never actually get the necessary knowledge to figure that out. You can’t know how to do something until you try to do it…fundamentally.

  • I’m 48. Last year, during a period of unemployment, I decided that to kill time I wanted to create a 3D aircraft model for my flight simulator (X-Plane). I had dabbled in Blender in the past, but nothing too in depth. So I sat down and just did it.

    Some of the features I wanted to implement required plugins that had to made with Lua (a programming language) so again…I just did it.

    Age and learning have nothing to do with each other. Regardless of the topic. I feel like maybe the only valid reason that such ideas took hold is because the older we get, the less time we have to focus on learning new things, and so it can seem as though we can’t learn, when in reality we just don’t have the time to. That’s certainly what I found to be the case personally. It wasn’t until I had literally nothing else to do that I could focus on really learning 3D Modelling and basic programming.

    The solution to that, that I found, was to be project based. I wouldn’t have made as much progress if I didn’t specifically have some thing I wanted to make, whether that’s an app, a 3D model, or whatever.

  • I mean, true…but I don’t think the average user is paying for the service rather than they’re paying for not having to worry about setting up everything needed to get syncthing working.

    I don’t consider myself a luddite in any way, but within five seconds of reading syncthing’s install instructions even I basically just said, “yeah…no.” And I say that AS a nearly 12 year semi-advanced linux user. It’s not that it’s difficult. But difficult enough to not be worth it for the average person.

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzArchaeology
    2 months ago

    Actually yes…it is.

    Law enforcement often employs archaeologists for that very purpose. My professor in Uni for example would go help them out whenever they got a call about a body being found because there just weren’t enough murders in my part of the world to justify having someone full time.

    The skill-sets are virtually identical, the bones are just fresher. Reading a crime scene and reading a archaeological site are basically kissing cousins.

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzArchaeology
    2 months ago

    From my time majoring in Arch, I’d say the rule of thumb is:

    “Is the culture the body came from vanished or changed to the point where no one has a personal stake in it.”

    So for example, vikings are long since gone. Modern northern europeans are generally a completely different culture, therefore not grave robbing. Same with Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, etc…

    Indigenous tribes in North America and Australia for example, still very much around and still very much grave robbing (though that opinion is controversial)

    Basically, if the existing culture still shows reverence to those ancestors…leave them alone. If the existing culture no longer honours them as ancestors, dig baby dig.

  • There are two types of Open Source users; those of us who understand and live by the ethos of FOSS, and users who just want to use a software that they don’t have to pay for and don’t care or understand the underlying ideas behind it.

    That second group is the group who, no matter how many times they hear it explained to them, will refuse to believe that “free” doesn’t necessarily mean “no-cost” and therefore develop an expectation of “free” and decry that you’re not allowed to sell your software because it’s open-source, and even asking for donations is forbidden, when in reality neither of those things is remotely true.

    Far more important than anything is to change the perception of Open Source to something like value ware; If you value the use you get from the software, pay an amount that you feel is fair. If they can’t afford it, that’s okay, but if they can, then the expectation needs to be that they DO. Even just a few bucks.