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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2024


  • So they created a monster and the monster is now out of control. What a surprise, huh?

    Well, I’ve got something to tell you: fuck you and all your shitty GOP. If you didn’t see this coming, you only deserve an absolute defeat and disappearing into oblivion.

    But what’s actually happening here is not that. No, what’s happening here is that your fucking party got so unhinged (by your own hands) that only the most deranged people are willing to vote for you, and that’s scary, right? That’s scary because there are not enough wackos to make you win an election, and now you’re really fearing the fact that you might be losing elections for generations thanks to all the damage your monster did to yourselves.

    Well, you know what? I’m glad. I’m happy you’re so fucked right now that you prefer losing an election over winning it because of how much damage the win can do to yourselves.

  • I understand enough of my body to recognize when one can happen. And it’s not always easy but, I’ll give you an example.

    Sirens in general, but specifically those from first responders are overwhelming for me so I always carry a pair of earplugs to soften their noise. They are one of my possible meltdown causes, and not long ago I was in my bike coming back from work and happened that in a very narrow street in which I was, an ambulance got trapped in the middle of the traffic. I realized my body was going into meltdown because I started hyperventilating so I quickly stopped, got down of the bike and sat down trying to breath and stim as I could. In the end it didn’t cause a meltdown (although I had a panic attack).

    In my case, I start losing control of my body when a meltdown is happening so as soon as i notice a threat, I run a list of possible escape scenarios. And if there are non, I mitigate. But well, I always carry earplugs, some toys and a pair of ANC headphones with me with a playlist of soothing songs “just in case”.

  • I’m in the same boat. I was diagnosed late in my life and even then, being “highly functional” means that “I don’t look autistic”, so most people won’t even take it seriously.

    I, involuntarily, learned control myself and put some safeties in place before a meltdown so it doesn’t happen. But sometimes it’s not that easy to avoid one, and almost 4 months ago, I had one (maybe the first in 6-7 years).

    I did become almost non verbal, and only with a huge effort I was able to articulate some very few words to explain my SO what was happening to me (was a first time for them). After I explained, I went completely non verbal for the whole next day.

    Only once I’ve been non verbal for a long period (around a month) after a meltdown.

  • Allistic people have issues saying what they truly think, so they do all kinds of shit to “say without saying”. And that doesn’t work with us, but they don’t understand because, apparently, we should learn how to understand them, but they don’t want (and neither think they need) to understand us.

    So we’re trapped in a world where a good bunch of the allistics don’t care enough about us to learn how to communicate properly with us or to, at least, find a middle ground.

    I don’t think you are in the wrong, she just wasn’t able to express clearly what she thought and you weren’t able to understand her message because of the lack of clarity on her end.

  • My main gaming device is now a steam deck. I’ve run on it mostly everything I’m interested in. I reckon I don’t like competitive games, so I never tried lol or Fortnite or CoD or anything of the likes, but the deck at home is running from Genshin impact to Final Fantasy 14. No man’s sky, assassin’s creed odyssey, ff16 demo, and every indie I wanted to play.

    And except for games like Genshin impact or honkai star rail (not for me but for my SO) which needed a different launcher and some small tweaking, the rest of the games have been running “out of the box”, doing no tweaking at all.