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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • APassenger@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemmy.worldGemini is now out
    5 months ago

    But Google has earned that rep. And they aren’t saying or doing much to change it.

    Minimal vision, weak execution, MVP agile approach with strong emphasis on the "Minimally,* and no heart, soul, grit.

    I know they’re a business, but sometimes, I think, if they could just be okay losing money for longer, they’d turn some of the projects into something good.

    I really don’t like Zuck, but he’s willing to lose billions a year on things he believes in. Google doesn’t do that (much) now. AI and quantum computing are the only things that spring to mind.

  • APassenger@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemmy.worldGemini is now out
    5 months ago

    I’ve stopped adopting Google products and I think I recommend it for others as well. They limp in with something half-finished, don’t get the adoption a mostly finished product would, then throw up their hands.

    Im tryinf to de-cloud all together and expect I can get mostly there within the next 18 months.

    If you have patience and a Raspberry Pi 4 or 5, I suspect it’s a better and cheaper (and more future proof) solution.

  • The answers (as I understand them) :

    If you’re a US citizen, it depends on the state or DC (assuming that’s what you meant by Washington).

    If you aren’t a citizen, you don’t have as many rights. Now any law enforcement officer won’t know that you’re not a citizen (if you aren’t), but it’s easiest to just provide papers upon request.

    I have never refused to ID, but I’ve only been asked due to legal reasons like speeding or I was near a border or at customs.

    In short, go with the flow, don’t break the law, have fun, and enjoy your stay!

  • To start: if you’re operating a vehicle, your right to refuse to id is pretty slim (they need a reasonable articulable suspicion usually, but there’s a chance they have one. Ask for it.).

    That said… The laws on this vary state by state. Some states do have stop and id, others do not. Everyone would do well to know the laws for where they are, if they want to refuse id. Even as a motorist, they need a reason to stop you.

    Where I am, they’d need to detain me before I’m required to id (as a pedestrian). I am not allowed to lie about my name, so answering, “Mickey Mouse” could technically give them the legal ammo to require real ID (full name, birth date). For a motor vehicle stop they are required to state why they stopped me as the conversation begins. None of this, “do you know why I pulled you over?” and other pretextual stuff.

    Some people know their rights and exercise them. The police are supposed to respect those rights. When they do, nothing happens, the video isn’t click-worthy and it doesn’t get published. I think you’re seeing some selection bias.

    Audit the audit, civil rights lawyer and other YT channels try to paint an accurate picture of our rights, how and when we can exercise them, and when the police go so far that someone gets paid.

    I’ll add: the police having a policy of documenting every interaction, and including the name of the person, does not supercede any rights given by law. They get confused or angry sometimes, but as they’d tell us, ignorance of the law is no defense.

    Edits: fixed autocorrect.

  • They want out and haven’t found a way to make money off of voice assistant. They’re just slowly killing it.

    It’s part of why I’m pushing hard on my HA and hoping their voice efforts at least give me a solid voice experience at home.

    HA = Home Assistant

    Edit to say: I get that people are frustrated that previously good (mostly) free solutions are going away. I’m not defending tech, but I do see their business need here. Google has long lost my trust anyhow.

    I’m not upset by the down votes, but 8 do wonder what they mean.

    To me the only safe thing to do is pull back and build my own. Raspberry Pis aren’t expensive.